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A week later-

Jessica's family left and went back to  Minnesota. Things had calmed down and everyone was able to relax. Sam went back to writing and Jessica went back to her everyday task.

"Good morning." Sam says as Jessica pours herself a cup of coffee. He hugs her tight.

"Owe Sam, careful." Jessica mumbles in pain.

She placed her hands on her chest and looked down at her breast.

"Do they still hurt?"

"Yes, it's like I'm breastfeeding all over again."

"Maybe you're pregnant?" Sam chuckles walking over to the fridge.

"I doubt it. My boobs always hurt."

"I'm sorry. I'm picking up the kids from school and daycare right?"

"Yes, Sarah's in town so I want to see her."

"Okay. I'll see you later."


After Jessica did some running around and got the house in order then she met up with Sarah for lunch.

"The party was great Jess." Sarah says

"Thank you... it was a great day."

"You're little boy is one. He used to be so small." Sarah scrunched her nose and smiled.

"I love babies!" Jessica giggles

"Do you think you will ever have another one?"

"I don't know... I don't think so."

"Aww. You need to make more babies so I can squeeze and love them!"

"Heh! I'm the one that has to carry them for nine months and push them out."


"I just think everything that happened after I had Camden was a little overwhelming. Besides we are happy as a family of four."

"That's good. You are Sam and Jess! You are always happy."

"I guess so. We have overcome a lot."

"It's inspiring."

"Please..." Jessica bluffs

After they eat their food they walk around the mall for a while.

"How's no breastfeeding going?"

"It's going good, but my breast are still killing me."

"Really? Are you close to your cycle?"

"Well ever since I started feeding they've always hurt. The thing is I don't know if it's because of my cycle or my breasts just getting used to not feeding. I don't know."

"I bet it's just your cycle."



When Jessica got home Camden was taking a nap and Kennedy was with her friend. Sam sat on the couch watching March Madness.

"Hey baby." Sam says pausing the tv.

"Hi. Is Cam sleeping?"

"Mhm. He's out cold."

"Good, he didn't get much sleep." Jessica sets down her purse on the counter and let's out a sigh.

"You okay?"

"Yea, I just need to take a shower."

"Alright. If you need anything let me know. Just catching up on March Madness!" Sam exclaims with a smile on his face.

"Okay, you do that." She chuckles walking up the stairs

Jessica slips off her clothes and takes a hot shower. The warm water hit the back of her back. She ran her fingers through her hair and looked up at the ceiling.

When she was finished with her shower she dried herself off with a towel.

As she dried off her chest she put pressure on her breast not noticing what she was doing.

She quickly dropped the towel in pain cupping her left breast.

"Fuck!" She says squinting her eyes.

Jessica massaged her breast to get rid of the pain when she felt a small bump of the side of her breast. Her body immediately became shaky.

Jessica grabbed a smaller towel and wiped off the steam from the mirror. She brought her body closer to the mirror and looked at the spot where she had felt a lump.

On the far side of her left breast she saw a lump sticking out. Surrounding the lump was stretch marks and spider veins. With her fingers she pressed on it, but not to hard because of how painful it was. It was hard.

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