Tacky Tee's

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A few days after Jessica's doctor appointment, Jessica and Sam were ready to tell everyone to big news. First, they had to tell Kennedy. They wanted to tell her in a fun way, rather than sitting her down and just saying, "Oh yea, mommy's pregnant". Jessica had just the idea of how to tell her in a fun, but tacky way. 

"Mommy can I please stay home with you and daddy today. Today I go with Miss Fishel, and I don't want to..." Miss Fishel was Kennedy's reading intervention teacher at school that  helped with her dyslexia. 

Jessica bent down to Kennedy's level and put her hands on Kennedy's shoulders. "Kennedy sweetie, what did mommy say about your intervention class. Didn't she say it will help you read better? " Jessica looks into Kennedy's eyes with a smile on her face and Kennedy has tears rolling down her eyes..

"But mommy, it's so hard... I am not smart.." Kennedy beings to cry falling into her mother's arms.

Jessica pulls Kennedy away and holds her by her shoulders once more.

"Kennedy you listen to me. You are the smartest little girl. Miss Fishel means well sweetie, and she will help you be even smarter so when you are older you can go to a big college. In the long run sweetie, it will all be worth it. Now you are going to go to school  and show mommy you can do it, even though I already know you can. Because daddy and I have a big surprise for you.. Can you do that for me, please? You know that mommy loves you right?" Jessica pulls Kennedy back into her arms and wipes her tears..

"I love you more mommy, more than anything." Kennedy gets up and wipes her tears...

"Mommy, can you walk me to the bus stop? You and daddy?" 

"Of course pumpkin..."  Jessica stands up with the help of Sam...

"Well, you two let's get a move on!"

As they walk to the bus, and Kennedy skips ahead, Sam whispers- "I hate seeing our little girl struggle." 

"Sam she isn't struggling, she is doing fine, it's just  little rough right now, you heard Miss Fishel say that they are going to bust up the difficulty with the lessons, it's good for her.. Let's focus on getting her to the bus and we can talk later.." Jessica looks ahead at Kennedy with a large smile on her face.

"How did we get so lucky Sam. We are truly blessed." Jessica says..

"What mommy?" Kennedy says as she waits at the end of the driveway, overhearing Jessica.

"Mommy was just saying how lucky we are to have you! Now come give us a hug, the bus is here!" Kennedy runs in for a big group hug from her mom and dad... "I love you, sweetie.. Now go rock the world.." Sam says as he holds Kennedy tight in his arms.


"So Jess, what do you want to do on your day off?"

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