Celebrate Family

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"Kennedy, have a good day at school." Jessica says from the couch waving goodbye.
Kennedy runs over and gives her a hug than kisses Camden. "I want to stay here with you guys."
"Aww Ken, you will be joke before you know it. Now go with your dad before you are late."
"Bye Jess. I will be home, want me to pick anything up?" Sam says walking out the door.
"No, just go before she's late. I love you."
Jessica let's out a deep breath and smiles.
"Well little guy, it's just you and me. Happy 1 week old." Jessica kisses him.
Camden smiles at Jessica than starts to scream.
"Are you hungry little buggy?"
Camden screams louder.
"Oh okay. Gimme a second, I have to get out the boob." Jessica giggles than starts to feed him.
Later that day Jessica's sister Ann flew in to meet the baby.
"I don't want to let him go, he is too cute."
Ann holds Camden smiling giving him endless kisses.
"He will need to eat soon." Jessica laughs putting up her legs slowly.
"Oh Jess, I feel so bad. Second degree tears. They should have given you an epidural."
"It's okay, it was all worth it. But I got there so late they couldn't." Jessica laughs.
"How are you doing?" Ann says with sad eyes.
"It's really painful. I can't really move, it's hard to sit up properly and move around and walk."
"Ice, ice, ice. It will help."
"Kennedy has a school play, and I signed up to help out, I didn't think I was going to have the baby early. I don't think I can do it."
"I can do it. Let me fill in for you."
"I want to try to go, it's been hard sharing attention, I have been focusing so much on the baby and getting his schedule down. I don't want to quit on her." Jessica puts her head down.
"Thankfully mom is here to help, but I bet she would understand. Jessica you have 6 stitches down there, I don't think you should do it."
"I have to see. It's this Saturday."
Camden starts to cry reaching his hands out.
"Shh little boy, your mommy is right here." Ann says handing the baby to Jessica.
"He is hungry. Could you hand me the nursing blanket please?"
Camden stops crying when he is in Jessica's arms.
"What a mamas boy. Wow." Ann says handing her the blanket.
"I know, in many ways it's great." Jessica laughs.
"Mommy!" Kennedy yells running into the house looking for the baby.
"Yea honey?" Jessica peeks her head out from the sun room.
"Where is Camden?"
"In here!"
Kennedy runs into the sun rooms and stops.
"Auntie Ann! You are here!"
Kennedy gives her a hug than leans over and gives Camden a kiss.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting some newborn pictures for family."
Jessica says happily.
"Jessica he is so photogenic." Ann says making faces to make Camden smile.
"I am a proud sister." Kennedy says
"Aww, come here. Let me give you a hug." Jessica pulls Kennedy over and holds her tight.
"Mom." Kennedy says pulling away.
"I am sorry. Your just so amazing I had to hug you." Jessica laughs.
Two days later-
Everyone goes to see Kennedy's first school play. Jessica ended up not being able to help out, but Ann stepped in a took her place.
"Good luck Ken. We will be sitting right here watching." Sam gives her a hug.
"Thanks daddy! Everyone is looking at you guys." Kennedy hides her face.
"Don't worry about it honey. Just worry about yourself." Jessica smiles sitting down with the baby in her arms.
"Go break a leg kiddo!" Dorthy says giving Kennedy a kiss.
"Thanks grandma! I wish you could help mom." Kennedy says walking towards Jessica.
"I know, I am sorry sweetie. I feel really bad. Let me fix you hair before you go." Jessica smiles and uses one hand to clip back her hair. Jessica kisses her.
"Mommy isn't really ready to run around yet." Sam says.
"I know. I have to go. Bye guys!" Kennedy smiles running behind the stage.
Jessica puts her head down and looks at the baby.
Sam wraps his arm around Jessica "Don't get yourself down about it. She understands, you need to recover before you can do all of the stuff they wanted to you do."
"It's fine. I'm fine." Jessica puts her head back up and smiles.
"Kennedy's right. People have all of there phones out, geez." Sam looks around annoyed.
"Ignore it." Jessica snaps.
"Look guys, it's about to start." Dorthy says leaning over.
That night they all watch Kennedy and her friends on stage performing Annie. After they are finished they went to go get dinner. Jessica and Sam tried to avoid the paparazzi. They didn't want photos of Camden online or photos of their family.
"Jess, put the blanket over his car seat. I will come around and carry him out. Sam turns around from the front seat and looks back a Jess.
"Ken, don't talk to the people with the cameras. Seriously."
"Okay daddy. Can we go now, I am hungry."
"Let's just go Sam. We have done this before, no need to point in making an escape plan." Jessica says laughing.
Sam helps Jessica out of the car, than gets the baby. They all keep there heads down while the men yell asking questions.
"Jessica, when did you have the baby?"
"Will you be going to playfest this year?"
"What is going on with you and Ryan? Why are you done with AHS?"
"Let us see the baby!"
"Sam when will you finish that book?"

They finally get into the restaurant and sit down.
"Geez they are crazy." Ann says taking off her coat.
"I know. They ask so many questions in a 5 second span." Sam laughs.
"Ugh let's just forget about them and eat." Dorthy says taking Camden out of his car seat.
"Good idea. Let's celebrate Kennedy, for being so amazing in her play. We are so proud of you sweetie." Jessica smiles making a toast.
"Cheers to Kennedy!" Everyone yells.
"Can we make a cheers to family? Celebrate Family!" Kennedy smiles lifting up her kiddy cup.
Jessica and Sam's heart melts. They look at each other and take each other's hands. "To family!" Sam says happily.

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