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It has been three weeks since Sam and Jessica officially split up. Kennedy was starting to get curious and confused as to why Sam wasn't living with them. Jessica tried to hold back from the conversation but thought it was time.

"Kennedy? Can I talk to you?" Jessica says walking into her room.

"Sure." Kennedy stops what's she's doing and gives Jessica her attention.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about daddy and I.

As you can tell we aren't living together. Daddy and I decided to spend some time apart for a while. He bought a nice little apartment close to us. You will get to see him on the weekends."

"Why can't he live here? Why can't you guys be together."

"Sometimes parents need time apart because they aren't happy, remember? It's just temporary until we resolve some things."

"What things?"

"A disagreement. That's all. Everything will be okay. We still love each other very much.

And we love you and your brother too!"

"I hope you don't get a divorce. I know it will happen though. I am old enough that you can tell me this mommy."

Jessica let's out a small sigh.

"Why don't you go back a bag for daddy's? You and your brother are spending the night."

Jessica walked out of Kennedy's room crying. She felt like she had failed their family. Sam texted her to let her know he was on his way.

Jessica packed Camden's diaper bag and extra breast milk for the night. She wrote out a long list for everything same needed to do.

"Daddy's here!" Kennedy says running to the door.

When she answers she jumps into Sam's hands.

Jessica walks over with Camden in her arms.

"Is he little guy fussy?" He says standing at the door.

"A bit. Come in." She says

"Camden, come on baby. Just let mommy give you your medicine."

"The GERD bothering him again?"

"Yes, I have been up all night with him."

"Daddy I want to see your new house!" Kennedy says tugging on his jacket.

"Sam, I think he should stay home with me." Jessica says

"He'll be fine. I need to practice on my own anyways." Sam says

Jessica widens her eyes at him and Kennedy's looks at the both of them.


I packed milk, the bottle heater, diapers, medicine for the both of them, don't forget to burp him and his blanket also!"

"Okay, I do know how to take care of him."

"Do you have a crib?"

"Yes... we will be fine." Sam takes the bags and Jessica puts Camden in the car seat.

"Bye mommy, I love you."

"Love you too baby."

Jessica bends down and kisses Camden who was still fussing in the car seat.

"Okay, bye." Sam leans over and goes to kiss Jessica but stops.

Jessica coughs that steps away.

"Sorry, force of habit."

"It's fine."


Later that night Jessica sat in her pajamas cleaning around the house. She was so bored without the kids. She would constantly check her phone.

Jessica sat on the couch and watched tv when someone rang the door.

"Sarah?" Jessica says opening it.

"Sorry for popping by unexpectedly."

"It's fine, come on in." Jessica opens the door more and Sarah walks in.

"What are you doing here?"

"Came to boost your spirits. We are going out to eat."

"Oh Sarah, can't we just stay here?"

"No! You don't have the kids tonight and I am not going to let you sit here alone on the couch."

Jessica giggles.

"Where are you planning on taking me?"

"Sawa, the new sushi restaurant."

"I have to get ready first."

"Okay! Wear something cute and stylish to make you feel good."

Jessica roles her eyes than goes to get dressed.

"This place looks good!" Sarah says walking in.

"I haven't had sushi in forever, before I was pregnant with Cam!"

"Well, eat it all. Besides you are looking skinny Jess."

"I am losing more baby weight. That's all." Jessica smiles

"Okay, sure."

Jessica and Sarah sit down and order their food.

"It's so weird, not being with the kids."

"Really? Haha."

Jessica glances over Sarah's shoulder and thought she saw a familiar face.

"What is it?" Sarah says turning around.


"What is wrong with you Jess?"

Jessica leaned over towards Sarah.

"I think that's Meryl!"

"You're kidding right? Doesn't she live out of state?"

"I don't know!"

Jessica looks closer than they turn around.

Jessica quickly looks away.

"Holy fuck, that's Meryl Jess!"

"I know!!!! Should I go say something?"

"It's up to you... maybe?"

Jessica suddenly sees Meryl walking towards her.

"Jessica, hi. What a surprise."

"Meryl, what are you doing in New York?"

"Don and I moved out here. How have you been? Where are the kids?"

"You moved here? Huh. The kids are with Sam, I am fine how are you?"

"Good. I was planning on calling you soon, to talk about seeing Kennedy."

"Oh, okay."

"How was her birthday?"

"It was good, she got a little puppy."

"How nice. Well, I need to talk to you so let's keep in touch."

"Sounds good, what about?"

"Just everything, I want to apologize again. Tell Sam and Kennedy I said hello."

Jessica smiles when she walks away.

Jessica let's out a dee breath and grabs her hair.

"Wow." Sarah says

"Why did she move here!!"

"That's so weird."

"I know, gosh. I need to call Sam."

When Jessica grabs her phone she pauses for a moment.

She puts her phone back. "Never mind."

Jessica puts her head down.

"Here Jess, let's just enjoy the rest of the night. You deserve a break."

Jessica smiles.

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