Love Matters

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That night Jessica tossed and turned in her bed. Unable to sleep, she cried. How could life be so perfect at one moment and the next it becomes a nightmare. She dreamed about this before, but never thought it would  happen. She prayed that night, she prayed long and hard. She asked God for one thing, for him to let her keep her baby girl. Kennedy was her daughter. Blood doesn't matter, love matters.

That morning Jessica waited for the sun to rise. It's bright rays shined into her window. The piercing sound of their alarm woke up Sam. Jessica was already sitting up with her back against the head board. Sam sat up and moved closer to her wrapping one around around her and the other holding her hand.
Jessica didn't look at him. She just stared at the wall in front of her.
Chills went through her body constantly. Her body ached. She felt weak.

"We have to stay positive." Sam says

"Let's run away."

"Run away? Where to?" Sam looks at Jessica with a puzzled look.

"Let's pack our things, pack the kids things, and run away."

"Jessica, you can't be serious! We can't run away!"

"Yes we can. Never say never."

"Jess, baby....

Everything is going to be okay."

"No it isn't. If I lose my baby today I don't know what I will do with myself. This is all so fucked up."

"I understand that. We will never stop fighting. I promise you with all my heart I will do everything to make sure she isn't taken from us. Do you hear me?"

Jessica nods.

Before waking up Kennedy, Sam and Jessica slid into their court clothes.

Jessica wore a lose fitting black dress and heals, Sam wore his suit.

Jane and Dorthy were staying home with Camden.

When they were finished getting dressed they walked into Kennedys room.

"Hey baby girl. It's time to get up." Jessica says struggling to not cry.

"Mommy, I don't want too." Kennedy moaned

"Kennedy,We have too." Sam says rubbing her back.

"I'm so scared. I couldn't sleep."

Jessica takes Kennedy into her arms and holds her close to her chest.

"My sweet baby..."

Sam puts his hand on Jessica's shoulder.

"Kennedy, mommy's going to help you get ready then we are going to meet with Mr. Conroy. Okay?" Sam says softly.

She nods looking at Sam with her head resting on Jessica's chest.


After they were all ready they headed to the court house. Kennedy bounced her legs on the car floor and bit her nails.

"Honey, don't bite your nails." Jessica says.

She turns around and reaches for Kennedys hand. She places hers over Kennedys hands and gives her a soft smile.

"You look so beautiful." Jessica says

"You do too mommy."

"Thank you..."

"Hello Shepard's, please sit!" Mr Conroy says

"Are you going to make sure mommy and daddy get to keep me?" Kennedy says looking at the Mr. Conroy who towered above her.

"Yes ma'am. Don't you worry."

"Thank you." Kennedy hugs him.

"She's a sweet girl. You did well." He smiles

Jessica nods her head and reaches for Kennedy.

"Come sit down baby."

Kennedy detaches from Mr. Conroy then runs into Jessica's lap.

"Alright. Here's the game plan. In twenty minutes the judge is going to see Kennedy. He will ask her some questions, go over all of her court papers, documents, statements, and old papers. He will decide today the best place for Kennedy to be.

Now Kennedy, if you want to stay with Jessica and Sam you need to tell the judge. Don't be scared, he's only there to make sure you are happy and to do what's right for you and what you want. Okay?"

Kennedy nods and takes Jessica's hand playing with her wedding ring.

"Today's the day."

Twenty minutes later the judges assistant comes into the room.

"Kennedy, the judge is ready for you honey."

Kennedy got off of Jessica's lap and walked towards the lady.

As she got closer she herd Jessica begin to sniffle. She turned her back to her.

Jessica quickly sat up and ran towards Kennedy giving her a tight hug.

"I love you baby. No matter what happens just know that we share the same love. That love will never break. What matters is love. Love matters." Jessica says

"I love you mommy. I love you daddy."

Kennedy breaks the hug and follows the assistant.

Jessica kneels down and begins to sob loudly. She brings her face to her knees and bangs the floor.

Sam runs over to her to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry Jessica." Sam also begins to cry. He wraps his body around Jessica and holds her tightly in his arms.

From this moment on the future was a blur. They didn't know what would happen next, there was so hints to the future.

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