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"She just told me how 'There can only be one' and that she loves me." Kennedy says sitting in Jessica and Sam's large bed. She holds Camden.
"Do you think you want to start a relationship with her?" Sam says
"Maybe with her for now. She is my mother." Kennedy looks at Jessica who was zoned out.
"It's up to you honey." Jessica says snapping out of it.
"Don't loose sleep over it. Just come to us when you are ready."
"Okay, I am going to go to bed. Goodnight." Kennedy gives the baby to Jessica than leans over and kisses the three of them.
"Love you honey." They both say as she closes the door behind her.
"Well, its bed time for you too than huh buggy?" Sam says resting his head on Jessica's shoulder.
"He is so happy." Jessica smiles
"I know, but I want some alone time with mommy. It's daddy's turn for booby time!"
"Ew, Sam!"
"Jess, it's been forever. I have been patient, but I miss touching you."
"Let me rock him to bed, than we will see." Jessica smirks, standing up. Sam follows her spanking her butt.
"Damn it Sam!" Jessica laughs

When Jessica gets back in the room, candles made the room dim. Sam was under the white sheets with no clothes on. Vases of roses stood on both nightstands. Jessica bit her lip than hopped on top of Sam.
"There's my girl!"
"I am scared."
"Why baby?" Sam says rubbing her back.
"That it will hurt, that my fat rolls will fly everywhere. Remember I had a second degree tear down there."
"It's been three months. I have lots of lube, and lots of time honey. If it hurts to much we can stop. And shut the hell up, you are skinny, I don't see fat rolls anywhere." Sam looks up at Jessica and grabs her boobs.
"Those hurt. Please be gentle."
"Just take off your clothes." Sam says pulling down the sheets.
"Well, I don't mind if I do." Jessica slowly takes off her shirt, than bra. Sam's eyes light up. He whispers beautiful into her ears as she bends down. Jessica gets up on her knees and takes off her shorts and underwear.
"My god, you take my breath away."
"I love you."
Sam runs his hand down Jessica's body. They kiss and kiss.
Sam moves down and puts his head down by Jessica's lower body. Jessica smiles, putting her hands on Sam's head.
"That feels so good."
Jessica moans louder.
Sam slowly enters himself into Jessica. Jessica quietly moans in pain.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, go slow." Jessica bites her lip and looks up at Sam.
"You are so great." Sam puts his hands on Jessica's boobs, than kisses her.
"Fuck!" Jessica yells
"Shhh, the kids are sleeping."
"Sam, slower, it hurts." Jessica says. Her face becomes red in pain.
"Am I hurting you?" Sam stops
"Don't stop, just keep going." Jessica says in discomfort.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Please Sam, just go!" Jessica moves her body back and forth doing the 'work'.
Sam continues again, going slowly. Her rubs her body and stares at it.
"How did I get so lucky with such a beautiful women."
Jessica smiles.
Sam and Jessica go on for another hour.
"Jessica, I love you."
"Shh." Jessica says stopping
"Camden is up." Jessica sits up and Sam gets out of Jessica.
"Damn it. Let him cry for a bit, he will fall back asleep."
"No, he is hungry." Jessica stands up naked and puts on her robe.

"Shh, we don't want to wake up your sister." Jessica sits down and starts to feed Camden.
"Little buggy... Why are you always hungry?" Sam says looking at him.
"I am sorry I was so bad Sam." Jessica says looking at him.
"Baby, you were great. It was great."
"It wasn't for me. It hurt so bad."
"I asked you if you wanted to stop." Sam says taking Jessica's hand.
"I know, but emotionally it felt so good making love to you."
"It will take time. This is our first time in a few months. Don't worry baby." Sam kisses Jessica.
"I really do love you Sam."
"I love you Jessica."
2 weeks later-

"Mommy, look what came in the mail!" Kennedy says with an envelope in her hand.
"What?" Jessica stands up and walks over to her.
"The Emmys! I bet you got nominated!" Kennedy smiles handing her the paper.
"I doubt it. Maybe just asking for a donation." Jessica says taking the envelope.
"Open it Jessie." Sam says walking over to Jessica with the baby.
"Okay, okay." Jessica smirks.
She opens the letter and reads it.
"So?" Kennedy says
"Congratulations Jessica Lange, you have been nominated for best supporting actress in a television series! Oh my god! I got nominated! Sam I was nominated!" Jessica jumps up and down, hugging him, than Kennedy.
"I knew it Jessica! I knew it!" Sam says kissing her.
"Yay mommy! You got it!" Kennedy gives her a hug.
"Guess what Cam! Your mommy is the best actress out there!" Sam says. Camden smiles
"Don't be silly Sam." Jessica says lighting hitting him.
"You have to go mommy!"
"Should I?" Jessica says giggling.
"Yea! It would be so great to go! You can see everyone and have a trip to LA." Sam says smiling.
"Your right. I don't know. I should call Sarah and see if she got nominated!"

"Sarah! Did you get nominated?"
"Yes! You better have to!"
"I did! I can't believe it."
"You deserve it. Are you going to go? It's in a few weeks."
"I think. What about you?"
"Yes. You should stay with us. We can make a weekend out of it."
"I don't think you want a screaming infant in your house."
"Don't worry! Just let me know! Congrats Jessica!"
"Thanks, you too!"

"I am so happy for you." Sam says kissing Jessica.

The kids were already in bed, so Sam and Jessica celebrated.
"Thank you! Is it bad to say I really want to go?"
"Of course not. We should go."
"You and I?" Jessica says
"Just us. We can have a mini vacation. My sister can watch the kids for the weekend possibly."
"I feel bad leaving them, but it would be nice to have a weekend to just you and me."
"Get on the phone with some designers and we will go."
"Okay! Yay!"
"You know that people will ask you."
"Ask me what?"
"About the hospitalization."
"I know. And honestly I am not ashamed. I will answer questions." Jessica says
"That's good baby. Only answer what you are comfortable with."
"Thank you for being my biggest supporter." Jessica kisses him.
"I am your husband, it's my job." Sam says with a smile.

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