Who is John?

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Kennedy sat in the waiting room with John. He tried to keep her mind off everythihg, by playing board games, and taste testing different candies from the vending machine.

"So John, you are going to be a baby doctor?" Kennedy says.

"That's right! Only a year to go." He puts another chip in his mouth.

"I want to be a doctor. Can you teach me?" Kennedy says with a smile.

"It would take a while, maybe one day." He laughs.

Kennedy reaches for her moms phone and goes through her pictures to find a picture of Sam, Jessica, and Kennedy. 

"See, this is my mom and dad." Kennedy shows him the phone.

"Huh, I have seen them before, in movies I think." John looks closer.

"They are actors." Kennedy laughs.

"Oh really? Cool!" 

"Mhm. When I turn 10, I will be able to go to the Emmy's with my mom. I am exsited." Kennedy scrolls through her pictures.

"That will be fun! What is it like having famous parents?" John laughs.

"I don't know. My mom and dad don't really like being in the public eye. They are super private." 

"Oh, huh." 

"This is my brother. I know it is hard to see." Kennedy shows a picture of the ultrasound.

"Wow! Are you exsited to meet him?" 

"Very! My mom said I can help dress him up." Kennedy laughs.

"Oh! this is me when I had hip surgery, those are all my nurses." 

"Hip surgery? What happen?" 

"A school bus accident. It hurt but I am better now. I go to therpy." 

"That's good that your better." John slumps back on his chair, the door slowly opens.

"Kennedy?" It is Sam.

"Daddy!" Kennedy jumps up and runs into her dads arms.

"Hey baby. Are you okay? What happen?" Sam bends down on his knees and holds Kennedy.

"Mom was going to braid my hair and slip and fell on the floor. She hit her head. John helped me." 

"Who is John?" 

Kennedy points towards John, still in his work uniform.

Sam stands up and goes to hug John.

"Thank you." 

"No problem man. Just happy that we were able to get your wife help."

"Daddy, John is a pizza doctor." 

="'Whoa honey! Well listen John, you have to be tierd. You don't have to stay." 

"Okay, well here is my number, just let me know how everything turns out. And if you need anything." John rights his number on a paper and says goodbye.

"Thanks man." Sam shakes his hand.

"Bye Kennedy. Nice to meet you!" 

Kennedy gives John a hug and backs away to hold her dad.


"Hi, I am Sam Shepard. My wife Jessica is here. I want to know how she is and whats going on." Sam says carrying his lugage in one hand and Kennedy in the other, sleeping.

"Yes, Mr. Shepard. I will take you to her room. The doctor is in there right now, and there is an extra bed you can lay your daughter on." The nurse stands up leading him into her room.

They walk into the room, Sam puts Kennedy down in the bed next to Jessica. He walks over to her and the doctors. Jessica's head was bandaged up, and she was sleeping.

"Are you her husband?" The doctor says putting down his clip board.

"Yes. Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" 

"I am doctor Feren. And Your wife had a fall, must have hit her head pretty hard. She has a minor concussion. She also has a broken wrist. They baby is just fine." 

"Thank god." Sam rubs his hands through his hair, and sits next to Jessica taking her hand.

"She is very lucky. If that pizza guy didn't come when he did. She would have bleed to death." 

Sam puts his head down.

"I was on the way here. Right when I got off the phone you guys called. I wish I was here sooner. For both of them." Sam looks over at Kennedy who is fast asleep.

"You are here now, that's all that matters." The doctor grabs his clipboard and leaves the room.

Sam looks at Jessica, and he closes his eyes, whispering to her.

"I am so sorry baby. I love you so much." A tear falls from his eye. He holds on to her hand tighter, stroking his hand down her face. He than puts his hand on her stomach.

"You are a tough little guy huh? Just like your mom."

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