Never Forget Me

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That night the ambulance rushed Jessica to the hospital. Sam and the kids went with them on the way to the hospital. Camden slept peacefully but Sam and Kennedy couldn't help but think they might lose Jessica that this very moment.

The hooked Jessica up to oxygen to help her breath, but there wasn't much they could do.

All of Jessica's family was at the hospital when they got there. Dorthy, Al, and Sam when back with Jessica. Ann and Jane watched the kids. Ann and Jane tried to comfort Kennedy but nothing worked.

The waiting room was filled with tears and heartbreak.

"I don't want my mommy to die. When she dies I won't have a mom anymore." Kennedy digs her head into Ann's chest and sobs.

"You will always have a mom. Jessica will always be your mother Kennedy." Ann tried to keep it together.

"Camden will never remember her." Kennedy looks at Camden who was so oblivious to the situation.

"You can tell him about her every day. You have great memories that you can share with him.

This may not be the end Kennedy..."

"She is in so much pain Aunt Ann. She isn't happy anymore. You should have seen the look in her eyes, she was hurting."

Ann looked up at the ceiling beginning to cry.

Jane took George's hand and he took Ann's hand. The four of them formed a circle with their hands and looked down.

"Dear god,

We ask you to be by Jessica's side right now and do what's best for her. Make sure she isn't in pain... You know she's a good lady, a great mother, and a wonderful wife. She has always been there for each and every one of us. She has never done anything wrong.

You need to be there for her and protect her. If it is her time, let her go easy. We all love her so much." George says as they all pray to god.


Sam's POV-

They waited outside of the room while the doctors examined Jessica and made sure she was stable.

Dorthy looked through the window. Al sat down next to the door. Sam paced back and fourth.

"Sam..." Dorthy says

Sam looks at Dorthy.

"Did she look ready?"

Sam nods. "She's hurting so much."

Dorthy covers her mouth and cries. Al begins to cry also.

"I don't know if I can do it." Sam says

"If you need any help we will be here for you and the kids. You aren't going to be alone."

"I can't lose her. I can't lose her. I can't lose my soulmate. She's my world. What am I going to do without my world?" Sam turns his body to the wall and clenches his fist.

"You need to let her know that it's okay for her to let go..." Al says

"But it's not okay! I can't lose her that easily."


"Mr. Shepard?" The oncologist that was on call said walking out of the room.

"How is she? Can I see her? Is she okay?" Sam rambles coming close to the door.

"I think it's best that you sit down...." the doctor leads Sam to the couch and sits next to him.

"Mr. Shepard, I'm afraid that your wife won't be able to go home. She's just too sick. Her body is so weak and she is so ill. The cancer has taken over. Her lungs and heart are failing.

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