I Love Mama

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"Sam you need to take a shower." Jessica pouts

"I'm too tired. Every time I move I throw up."

"You are starting to smell." Jessica chuckles


"Daddy smells, huh?" Jessica says to Camden bouncing him in her arms.

"I feel like a shit husband for not being able to come to any appointments."

"Don't worry about it. It wouldn't make a difference if you went or not it's just a CAT scan."

"I'm sorry. I bet buggy will have fun at the doctors office."

"Da-da" Camden says puckering his lips.

"No kisses, daddy's sick."

"I want to give him a kiss." Sam pouts.

"I don't need him sick Sam..."

"Alright." Sam lays back and sighs.


Around 1 Jessica and Camden left for her appointment.

"Camden how you doing?" Jessica says looking back at Camden who was peacefully watching Elmo on her phone.

"Good! Elmo!"

"That's right. Elmo!"

"Big bird!
Big yellow bird!"

"Good job! Do you like big bird?"

Camden giggles

"You are a little chatty one today, huh?"


When Jessica got to the radiologist they were immediately ready for her.

"Your son is so cute, how old?"

"He's one. I hope it isn't a big deal that I brought him. Our daycare has been closed." Jessica clenches her teeth.

"No worries. I can have a nurse keep him occupied when we do the scan."

"Thank you!"

Jessica gets changed into a gown. In the room Jessica was assigned to Camden ran around giggling and touching things.

"Camden, you have to be a good boy. Okay?"

"Good boy!"

"Can you be a good boy?"

"No!" Camden stomps his foot and giggles

Jessica tilts her head and crosses her arms.

"Yes!" He says hugging Jessica's leg.

"That's what I thought Mr."

"Alright, are you ready?" The nurse says


Let's go Cam. Take my hand."

Camden takes Jessica's hand as they follow the nurse down the hall. When they get into the room Camden had to stay behind. Jessica kneeled down and smiled at Camden.

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