Speaking Out

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Jessica and Sam flew out to LA for the Emmy's. the kids stayed behind with Sam's sister. Jessica and Sam were so excited to spend the weekend together alone. It was the night of the Emmy's. Jessica called the check on the kids before they leave.
"Mommy! I am getting ready to watch you!" Kennedy says
"Oh good! Don't go to bed too late sweetie. I will be home tomorrow night, okay?" Jessica says in a cute voice
"Good luck mommy!"
"Thank you Ken. How is your brother?"
"Fine, he is sleeping."
"Okay, I love you sweetie."
"Love you too mom. Tell daddy I said hi."

Jessica and Sam were escorted to the Emmy's. Jessica twiddled her thumbs, nervous. She knew people would have her to open up about her PPD. She was preparing her self. Though she knew she didn't have to answer, she wanted to share to new mothers that you shouldn't be ashamed, and that it's okay to get help.

"Ready honey?" Sam says taking Jessica's hand.
"I haven't been to an award ceremony in forever." Jessica giggles
"You look beautiful, as always Jessie."
"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself Mr.Shepard." Jessica smirks at him than laughs
"We clean up nice."
"We sure do."

When the car door opens, Jessica and Sam are bombarded by flashing lights. Cameras, reporters, talk show host, everyone. Jessica was able to get through the crowd with Sam to meet up with the cast of AHS. After Jessica and Sam got pictures together Sam went into the guest section while Jessica and the cast got pictures and individual interviews.
"Jessica! We are so happy to see you!" Ryan says giving her a hug.
"Thank you Ryan." Jessica kisses his cheek.
"Look at you! So skinny, are you sure you had a baby?" Sarah says laughing.
"Sarah! Hi!" Jessica says happily.
"Let's get some pictures!" Sarah and the cast pose for the camera.
Once pictures where done Jessica was asked to be interviewed by In Touch.
"Jessica Lange, hello. I am Mark Z, an interviewer for In Touch. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" Mark says holding a microphone up to Jessica.
"Sure." Jessica smiles
"So, what was your favorite part of AHS Coven?"
"My favorite part? Probably being able to work with some amazing actors, of course." Jessica runs her hand through her hair.
"Very nice, will you be returning for season 4? Why or why not?"
"I will not. I have two little kids at home and I would like to spend time with family."
"You just recently had a baby, correct?" Mark smiles while the camera comes closer to Jessica's face.
"Yes, this march."
"You look terrific for a new mom Jessica. Wow!"
Jessica giggles
"Just recently, an article came out about you battling postpartum... how have you been?"
"PPD was something I experienced after birth. It's very common. Thankfully with the help of my husband I was able to get the help I needed. I feel I have become a better mom because of it." Jessica smiles proudly
"Is it true you were hospitalized."
"I was, it had taken over my life. I wanted to be better for my family."
"Well, this is Jessica Lange everyone. Bravely speaking out. Thank you Jessica. What do you have to say to new mothers?"
"Love your child unconditionally, and don't take anything for granted. Be the best you can be for yourself and your baby, you will be an amazing mother." Jessica smiles and gives Mike a hug. They turn off the camera.
"Jessica, thank you for being so brace and speaking out."
Jessica smiles
Once the stars were met back with their plus one everyone was seated. Jessica and Sam sat down next to each other waiting for the results.
"It's coming up soon Jessie!" Sam whispers
"I know, I am nervous."
"You are on fire today Jessie. I am so proud of you."
"For what?" Jessica smiles
"Talking about the past. It was very brave of you." Sam leans over and kisses her
Jessica blushes.

"Okay, now for the best supporting actress in a tv show or mini series."
"Sarah Paulson American Horror Story,
Jessica Lange American Horror Story
Maggie Greene Walking Dead
Ellen Pompeo Greys Anatomy
And finally Chrissy Metz This is Us."
Jessica clenches Sam's hand.
"And the winner is.....
Jessica Lange American Horror Story!!" The host yells. Jessica covers her mouth and starts to cry.
Sam stands up and claps his hands, helping her up.
The host hands her her award.
"Wow. Thank you. Thank you to the academy, to all of my costars, Ryan Murphy, and most importantly My family, Kennedy, Camden, my mom and my amazing husband Sam Shepard. Thank you to everyone who made this possible. It's a true blessing to work with so many great people." Jessica blows a kiss than walks off the stage. She goes into the press conference and was interviewed.

Jessica and Sam celebrated at the after party. Jessica talked a lot with Ryan an Sarah. Ryan kept asking Jessica to come back.
"Oh Jess, please." Ryan says
"I am sorry Ryan. Family is important."
"I know, I know. I will forever adore you Jessica. You must stop by on set one day so I can meet the baby."
"For sure. Thank you Ryan."
Around 12:30 Jessica and Sam headed back to the hotel.
"What a night." Sam says flopping his body onto the bed.
"Take your clothes off." Jessica says
"You herd me." Jessica giggles
"Oh okay, sexy mamma." Sam quickly rips off his tux and pants, than his shoes.
"Your so sexy." Jessica bites her lip giggling.
"So, what is the plan?" Sam says laying naked on the bed.
"You undress me now." Jessica walks up to him and turns her around.
He slowly unzips her dress and kisses her back.
"That feels so good." Jessica says
Jessica steps out of her dress than turns around, she was naked.
Sam puts his hands on her vagina and slowly rubs it. Jessica moans.
"Keep going baby." Jessica puts her head back.
Sam stands up than begins to kiss her boobs.
Sam picks her up and grabs her ass.
"Sam!" Jessica giggles as he spins her around and puts her on the bed. Sam laid above her and stared at her body.
"Damn. You are so sexy."
Sam and Jessica continue....
"Shit! Who can it be." Jessica says as she hears her phone ring.
"Don't worry about it. Just stay here." Sam takes her arm.
Jessica let's the phone go.
A few minutes later the phone rings again.
"I have to get it." Jessica gets up and Sam pulls out.
She runs over to the phone naked while Sam gives her sex gestures.
"Shh, it's your sister." Jessica answers
"Hello?" Jessica giggles turning away from Sam. Sam runs a bee to her and rubs his dick on her.
"Jessica! I have been trying to get ahold of you! It's Kennedy, she is in the hospital." Sam's sister says crying.
"Slow down! What happen?" Jessica looks at Sam worried.
"They just rushed her to the hospital."

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