There Can Only Be One

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It was a few days after Kennedy's birthday. After all of the cousins and siblings left, Jessica and Kennedy had taken a trip to the city just the two of them to see the botanical gardens. They stayed in a hotel room over tonight than came back home. Kennedy loved spending time with Jessica. It was a bittersweet two days. When they got home Kennedy went back to school and playing with her new dog blu. While Jessica and Kennedy where home Sam watched Camden. Jessica and Sam loved watching Camden look at the puppy and giggle every time he would bark or jump around.
"Baby, you missed mommy huh?" Jessica says while she breast feeds Camden.
"Or did you just miss my boobs, I think that's it.
Your getting so big Cam. My gosh can't you stay small forever?" Jessica runs her finger down his small chubby face.

Once Jessica was done feeding Camden he slowly feel asleep in her arms all wrapped up. She smiled
"You are the cutest little boy out there. I love you so much."

"Hey you two, what's going on?" Sam walks in with Camden's clean blanket.
"Nothing, just having some mommy time."
"Can I join?" Sam sits on the floor next to the feeding chair.
"Well, I am just about to put him in his crib."
"Here let me." Sam stands up and gently picks up Camden, wrapping him in the white blanket.
"Do you ever just want to wake him up?" Sam says looking over the crip. Jessica walks over and wraps her arms around Sam. They both gaze at the little baby.
"No! He is so cute and peaceful when he sleeps."
"But I love playing with him." Sam says in a pouty voice.
"You can play with Cam when he wakes up. Let's leave before your loud mouth wakes him up!" Jessica giggles walking out of the room.
"What if we had more babies?" Sam says closing the nursery door behind him.
Jessica pauses and turns around. She grabs Sam by the collar and pulls him into the other room.
"Another baby?" Jessica's eyes widen.
"Sorry! It was just a thought." Sam laughs
"I don't know, I was reading something where having babies 18 months apart is good. I forgot the article."
"And you are extremely fertile right now, so we won't have that much trouble getting you pregnant." Sam smiles
"Oh my gosh, are we thinking of having another one?" Jessica giggles softly.
"I am in, but it's up to you now. After everything that happened with the PPD."
"Maybe we should wait a while. It's getting better, but having two babies would be lots of work."
"Sounds good honey. Gosh, you are always beautiful, but I love you pregnant." Sam laughs grabbing Jessica's ass.
"Okay, that's enough." Jessica laughs and walks downstairs.
Jessica and Sam sit downstairs playing cards while they wait for Kennedy to get home.
"Did you tell Kennedy about Meryl wanting to speak to her yet?" Sam says placing down a card.
"No,should I?"
"I think. I don't know, I feel like if she found out we never told her she would be upset. It doesn't hurt."
"You're right. If she doesn't want to she doesn't have to. We can talk to her at dinner."

When Kennedy got home they all hung out for a bit than ate some dinner.

"This salmon is great Jess. I love your cooking." Sam smiles
"Well thank you, I try my best." Jessica giggles holding Camden at the table.
"Can I hold him mommy? So you can eat?" Kennedy smiles
"No it's okay, I am going to hand him to your father after he finishes. But thank you love."
"Let me take little buggy now. You need some food in your body Jess!" Sam walks over and takes Camden from Jessica. He immediately starts to screams and kick.
"Okay, I think we all want a peaceful dinner. Let me just hold him Sam." Jessica takes Camden back and he smiles
"You are one moody boy!" Jessica says in a baby voice.
"So Kennedy, we have a question. Answer honestly." Sam gives Jessica the look.
"Okay, I promise I will answer honestly." Kennedy smiles and puts down her fork, with open ears.
"Meryl, she emailed mommy on your birthday. She wants to talk to you on the phone. Would you like to call her?" Sam says
"Would you be mad?" Kennedy says putting her head down.
"Of course not sweetie. It's your choice, we support you either way." Jessica smiles
"I just want to talk to her, not Don. He hurt you daddy."
"I know pumpkin, but he is a good man to you. If you only want to talk to her, we can arrange that." Sam says
"After I help clean up, I can call her." Kennedy says
"Okay sweetie." Jessica says
Kennedy's POV-
The phone rang... Kennedy sat on her bed alone with the door open. Sam and Jessica sat in their room.
"Hello? Is this Kennedy?"
"Hi Meryl."
"Happy Belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful one."
"I did. Thank you. I got a puppy named Blu."
"Oh that's wonderful! I bet you are having the best time with him."
"I am."
"How have you been?"
"Good, how about you?"
"Great! Did your mom have the baby yet?"
"Yea, his name is Camden. He is the best little brother."
"Aw, that's great. Kennedy I wanted to say how sorry I am. I regret it so much, I didn't mean to rush things."
"It's okay. I don't like seeing my mommy and daddy hurt."
"Can I tell you a story?"
"Sure, what about?"
"They day you were born. The best day of my life.
At 3 am my water broke. I was staying at my mothers. I immediately went to the hospital. By time you where ready to come into this world I did everything I could to have you in my arms as soon as possible. Around 6pm you were born. Such a small little girl. You smiled and held onto my finger so tight. I remember staying up the next night just admiring you. I really prayed that you would have a life you deserve. That's why I gave you to Jessica and Sam. They are such great people that you deserve Kennedy. Though it was hard, you are happy. I really hope that we can have a relationship. Only if you are comfortable. I won't take you away from them. Just remember, There Can Only Be One."

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