Daddy's Mad

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I messed up, Jessica's mom doesn't live in town....  Jessica is staying at Sarah's house in New York while Sarah is there! Not Dorthy's!! My bad! Jessica's mom is also staying at Sarah's :)

3 days later ( June 26)

Kennedy was getting ready to go home in a few days. They had her doing so my exercise and kept and extra eye on her to make sure everything is okay. The doctors where shocked to See Kennedy regain her memory and be back to normal. She was acting like herself again, happy, always smiling, and taking. It made Jessica so happy to see her doing better. Jessica and Camden have been staying with Sarah. Jessica hasn't talked to Sam in a few days after their fight. Jessica couldn't think about Sam. The fact that he was being so distant made her angry. She knew it was hard on him but didn't understand why he wouldn't visit Kennedy. Sarah had went to go pick up some more stuff for Jessica and Sarah had said that Sam was gone, and that he car and everything was gone.

"He little guy, don't you look cute today!" Jessica rubs her nose against Camden's and he giggles.

"You are a little happy buggy, huh? Yes you are!" Jessica smiles.

Camden starts to cry suddenly and Jessica picks him up.

"Aww, don't cry. Mommy loves you, I don't know what could be wrong!" Jessica smiles. He continues to cry.

Sarah walks into the room with a bottle.

"Babies hey hungry when they miss someone." Jessica gives Jessica a look and hands her the bottle.

"Thanks." She says with a small smile.

"You should call him jessie."

"No. He is an ass." Jessica sits down and starts feeding Camden.


"Sarah, I can't deal with him. I don't know what's going on with him! It makes me angry thinking about it."

"I know, but I thought things were okay between you two. What happened?" Sarah sits next to Jessica and rubs her back.

"I don't know, I wish I did know. There is just some kind of strain. But I can't worry about it right now. All that matters is Kennedy getting better and Camden being taken care of. They are my main focus, they come first, they are my life."

Sarah nods and looks at Camden.


"Mom! Guess what! Guess what!" Kennedy says slowly walking over to Jessica.

"What?" Jessica smiles giving her a kiss.

"The doctors said if I pass my test I can go home tonight!"

"Tonight? Are you serious?
Honey that's great!" Jessica smiles

The nurse walks in with paper and a pen getting ready to evaluate Kennedy.

"I thought we were going to surprise her?" The nurse says.

"I had to tell her!"

"Well, let's get this test started!
Kennedy, I will have to take some blood, okay?"

"Yes! Anything it takes!" Kennedy walks over to her and sits down.

A quick rush went through Jessica's body. She immediately wanted to turn around and hug Sam, but then he realized he wasn't there. She sat down and watched them take test on Kennedy and evaluate her for discharge. It was weird to Jessica that everything happened so fast and in such an odd way. In some ways good, but in others bad.

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