Not Yet, Not Now

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After they got to Minnesota that's when things really went downhill. The first few weeks were great. Jessica was surrounded by her family and happy to be in her hometown. Her siblings, nieces, and parents would always visit and keep them company. Kennedy was happy to be in Minnesota and Camden was just so little and happy. Things changed when Jessica got sick. The cancer had completely taken over. Jessica's body was so drained that it could no longer fight. Jessica had been sick since they got to Minnesota and she slowly felt her body decline and get closer and closer to the end. She did everything to deny it and go on with her days trying to make the most of everything, but it just got too hard. Sam was starting to notice a drastic change. Their happiness was short lived when they realized that her three months had turned into one month. It was all happening so quick. Nobody was prepared. Jessica spent many of the warm summer days in her bedroom barely able to get out of bed. She felt paralyzed from life. She couldn't do anything. She cried herself to sleep but was not really able to sleep. 

Sam was slowly breaking down. He tried his hardest to stay positive in front of Jessica, but he had never been so scared. Sam was slowly losing a part of his heart. Next, to the kids, Jessica was Sam's life since the day they met. It was so saddening that the end was appearing soon. He wasn't ready to say goodbye, no one was. 

It felt like a waiting game to Jessica. She waited for the day that her body would just stop. She dreaded it but was in so much pain. Every day she would tell the kids how much she loved them. She would express her love to Sam... The days were filled with heartbreak and tears. Everyone surrounded Jessica with love and support. 

Kennedy was losing it. Death scared her. Jessica kept telling her she was going to sleep but she knew that wasn't the case. She knew her mother could die and she didn't want that. 

The family had been preparing for this time since the day Jessica found out she had cancer. But nothing could really prepare you for the heartbreak and empty feeling you have in your body when you actually lose a loved one. 

Jessica beat herself up every night. The frustration that was built up in her body was so unbearable. Jessica wasn't going to see her son grow up. She wouldn't be able to see the kids go to homecoming, see their first dates, graduate highschool, go to college, meet their partners, be at their weddings, and be there to hold their kids. It was the biggest heartbreak knowing she would miss so much and leave so much behind. She told Sam to find someone and start over. He refused to think about it, but Jessica still told him anyways.

There was so much she had to say, but as each second passed it was a second less that she wouldn't have time to say everything she wants.

Dorthy, Al, Jane, George, and Ann came over for the day to be by Jessica's side. When night came Jessica insisted that they all went home and got rest.

Once George, Ann, and Jane were all on their way home. Sam was saying goodbye to Dorthy and Al.

"Sam, are you sure we shouldn't stay... I'm just so scared that... Well, this will be our last goodbye. I don't want something to happen and me not be able to be by her side..." Dorthy breaks into tears and leans on Al who comforts her. 

Sam lets out a sigh and gazes to the side where Kennedy sat on the couch quietly trying to zone out Dorthy. 

He stepped outside and closed the door. "I'll call you if anything happens..." 

"Sam, we've never really expressed our gratitude. We thank you for the amazing life you have given her, you make her so happy. That's all we ever wanted, was for our babies to be happy. You are a great husband to her and she is so lucky to have you at a time like this." Al says putting his hand on Sam's shoulder

"Thank you... But I'm the lucky one. I have fucked up so much and I wish I could take it all back and make it up to her. 

She is in so much pain right now and I just don't want her to be like this anymore. I love her so damn much. I'm scared to lose her. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"We will be here for you. Every step." Dorthy says softly

"I appreciate it."


After they left Sam walked back into the cabin and saw Kennedy in the same spot. 

Sam let out a deep sigh and sat next to Kennedy wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm not ready..." She says softly

"Me neither"

"What are we going to do without her?"

"It will be the hardest thing we ever do, but we will get by. I promise you."

"I feel bad Camden will never remember her. Mom will never see us graduate, or get married. I really thought I would have more than five months. Seeing her sick has taught me so much, to cherish every moment with a loved one and make it your number one priority to make sure they know that you love them." Kennedy says fighting the tears

"You know Ken, I don't think your mother would have been able to go through this horrible journey without you. Your love has kept her going. Your mother loves you so much and knows that you love her. 

We always talk about how you have turned into this amazing young lady. You've become so much stronger than you were five months ago. You've been there for your mother and helped her so much. You've helped with a lot and taken on lots of responsibilities for a young girl like helping with your brother, taking on extra chores, and so much more."

"Can we go see her?" Kennedy says

"Of course..."

Sam takes Kennedy's hand as they walk up the stairs into Jessica and Sam's room. Camden was cuddled up next to Jessica. Jessica was half asleep. She breathed heavily.

As the door creaked open Jessica woke up.

"Hi babies." Jessica says in a mellow tone as they walk in.

Kennedy and Sam climbed into bed. Kennedy rested on the other side of Jessica and Sam wrapped his arms around the four of them.

"I'm so lucky." Jessica mumbles

"Thank you for fighting for us, You fought for us and we couldn't be more grateful. " Kennedy says holding onto Jessica's cold, frail, skinny hand.

"Don't be angry..." Jessica says closing her eyes

"Angry?" Kennedy says

"When I'm gone... Just be happy that I'm not hurting anymore. I know it's never easy and you will be upset, but don't be angry. Don't spend your life being angry..." Jessica says 

Sam starts to cry and shakes his head. "We don't want you to be in pain Jessie. Just know we love you..."

"There is so much I want to say..." Jessica says breathlessly 

"It's okay mom..." Kennedy nods with tears flowing down her face.

"You'll do great things in life Ken. I know it."

"Because of you, mom."

"Take care of yourself and your brother. Protect him and protect yourself. Help daddy out when he needs it, and don't be afraid to ask for help. 

Always have respect for yourself." 

Jessica slowly started to close her eyes. 

"Mom?" Kennedy says sitting up

Sam becomes alarmed 

"Daddy! She isn't answering!

Mom! Wake up! Not yet, not now!" Kennedy shakes Jessica's body.

Sam gets up and runs over to the phone calling 911.

"Daddy!" Kennedy cries

"Kennedy, call grandma Dorthy. Now, please." Sam starts to panic.

Kennedy grabs Jessica's phone and calls Dorthy. Sam looks at Jessica as the phone rings.

"Not yet Jessica. Not yet."

"911, what's your emergency?"

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