Second Chance

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When Sam dropped Kennedy off Monday night he came into the house to talk to Jessica. She had felt so bad for everything and Sam made it worse.

"I told Kennedy she couldn't see Meryl for a while."

Jessica's eyes widen and she looks at Sam.

"You did what?" Jessica raises her voice.

"Yea, is there a problem? Where you planning on going behind my back and letting her see her again?"

"No, but why would you do that!"

"Because Jessica, I am the parent here to. This isn't a one man show. Kennedy is my daughter and I don't want her seeing Meryl."

"Why Sam? She has been so good to Kennedy and I. She really has changed."

"Don is a violent dude. Don't forget Meryl dumped her off ten years ago and just expects us to act like nothing happened. What if she gets too attached and fights for custody! She can do that!"

"She is trying to make things right Sam. I am giving her a second chance. Why can't you? Don has changed also, and apologized. And don't speak about her taking Kennedy away. It's unnecessary."

"I am telling you because you know it can and will happen. And I will blame it on you if it does. Jessica if you keep going behind my back I will be pissed. She doesn't deserve a second chance."

"And you do deserve a second chance? Like you went behind my back and cheated on me? Meryl is Kennedy's birth mother, they at least deserve a relationship."

"But she dumped Kennedy off and said she didn't want or love her!"

"She has changed! Damn you Samuel! This is our daughter, and Kennedy wants a relationship with her. You can't just be selfish!"

"Jessica, I am sorry. But these second chances are different."

"You fucked another women. And some how I am trying to let you back in. You are making it very hard right now."

Suddenly Jessica and Sam were startled by the sound of sniffles.

Kennedy stood at the doorway of the kitchen staring at Sam and Jessica with tears in their eyes.

Sam looked at Jessica than Kennedy and walked over to her.

Kennedy pulled away and yelled at Sam.

"Why are you so mean? I hate you, get away from me!" Kennedy yells at him and runs away and up her stairs.

"Kennedy, get back here. Don't talk-"

Her door slams loudly ringing throughout the house.

"Sam, I think you should go."

"She can't talk to me like that. Why would you talk about the affair in the house, around the kids."

"I didn't know she was standing there Sam."

"Let me at least talk to her."

The baby starts to scream from upstairs and Jessica runs her hands through her hair and let's out a sigh.

"I think it's best if you just go home and call her once she cools off."

Once Sam left Jessica went upstairs and put Camden back to bed. When she went to go check on Kennedy her door was locked.

"Kennedy honey, let me in." Jessica knocks on the door.

"I want to be alone. Please leave me alone." She yells

"Kennedy, can I please talk to you."

"No! Just go!"

Jessica let's out a sigh and rest her head on the door.

A few hours went by and Kennedy wouldn't leave her room. Jessica tried getting in but knew that Kennedy wouldn't talk. Jessica let her cool off on her own. Around dinner time Kennedy stayed in her room. Jessica and Camden sat at the table and Jessica bounced him on her knee as she took small bites of her mashed potatoes and chicken. Camden giggled each time she took a bite.

"Hey buddy, I know you wish you could have some but mommy isn't that good of a cook.

Your dad always made the best chicken. I think I am doing pretty good alone? What do you think?"

Camden starts to pout. "I take that as a no?"

"It's hard little guy. And I think your sister is hitting the moody pre-teen stages. Uh oh!"

After dinner Jessica fed Camden than put him to bed. Jessica fixed up a dinner plate and took it up to Kennedy.

"Can you please let me in. I have dinner. Why don't we talk, it might make you feel better."

Kennedy didn't respond.

"Kennedy, I know you are upset. It's okay to be upset. But I don't want you to be alone." A single tear falls from Jessica's face as she listens for her.

Still no response. Jessica could only hear the shuffling of toys.

Jessica left he plate on a coffee table by her door and walked into her room.

Jessica changed into pajamas and sat in her bed watching TV.

Why did I bring up the affair in the house. I should have been more careful. My sweet girl is probably heartbroken. I don't know what she heard. Damn it!

As Jessica's eyes slowly closed, she herd her door slowly creek open. Kennedy was standing at the door. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were red and swollen.

Jessica sat up and held her arms out. Kennedy stared at Jessica for a moment that ran to her jumping into the bed and into Jessica's arms. Jessica held her as she cried louder. Jessica rocked her back and fourth rubbing her back.

"Are you hungry? Let's go make something and we can bring it back here." Kennedy nods her head and takes Jessica's hand.

Jessica makes Kennedy pasta than brings it back to her room. Kennedy sits in front of Jessica as Jessica does her hair and Kennedy talks to her.

"Why did he cheat on you?" Kennedy said

Jessica let out a sigh than answered. "You weren't suppose to hear any of that Kennedy. I don't want you thinking of your father any differently. He still loves you very much."

"But I herd it. Just like I herd that Meryl dumped me off, because she didn't love me, and dad doesn't want her taking me away. I don't think she will take me away."

"She won't baby. And Meryl didn't dump you off because she didn't love you. She gave you to us because she loved you and wanted a better life for you.

As for your dad, we are making things work. We are trying."

"I don't want you to get a divorce. But I want you to be happy."

"Your dad makes me happy Kennedy. You and your brother make me happy."

"But if you cheat on someone that doesn't mean you love them. Right?"

"Kennedy, your father made a mistake."

"It hurt your feelings! Daddy hurt you! He doesn't deserve a second chance. No one does."

Jessica pauses from doing Kennedy's hair and wipes her tear.

"We aren't getting a divorce. Meryl isn't taking you away. Meryl loves you. I love you, your father loves you, your brother loves you. Nothing has changed baby."

These next few chapters are going to really get intense..... I have been holding them back for so long but now is the time.😬😬😬

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