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It was three weeks since Jessica gave birth. Dorthy went back to Minnesota to give Jessica and Sam time alone with the kids. Everyone was trying to adapt to having a new baby in the house. Things were going well. Jessica wasn't acting the same. She was very distant and quite. She had a hard time with the baby. Breastfeeding was going well, but she was exhausted. There was a strain between her and Sam. They were both sleep deprived, and irritable. Kennedy helped out a lot with the baby when she got home from school. She loved Camden. Holding him was her favorite thing to do. Jessica was still recovering from labor, walking more and not in as much pain.
Camden didn't sleep much. All he wanted was to eat and for Jessica to hold him. Sam tried to help Jessica as much as possible at night, but he wasn't the one with the boobs.
Jessica and Sam relaxed on the couch while Kennedy was at school and Camden was sleeping. Camden had started to cry. Jessica slammed her book down and rubbed her eyes. Sam patted her leg and smiled, "don't worry, I will get him."
When Sam left the baby's room carrying him as he cried, he herd the shower from Jessica and Sam's master bathroom. He walked in and put his ear to the door. He knew Jessica wasn't showering, she was crying. This wasn't the first time she had done this. He laid Camden in the bassinet near their bed and opened the door. It was locked.
"Jessie, can you open up?"
"No, I am taking a shower, please go." She sniffles.
"Honey, what's wrong."
"Nothing, go! There is milk in the fridge." She yells.
Sam let's her go and picks up Camden.
"Okay little guy, let's go get you some milk." Sam says smiling at Camden.
He looks back at the bathroom door and still hears Jessica crying.
He goes downstairs and feeds Camden. Sam than gets a phone call from the house phone. It was Kennedy's school calling.
"Hello?" Sam says softly.
"Yes, Mr. Shepard?" A women says.
"Yes. Is everything all right?"
"Your daughter Kennedy has a fever of 102.1, and has been throwing up. She can no longer be at school, she needs to be picked up."
"She was complaining of a stomach ache this morning, I will be right over to pick her up."
"Okay, sounds great. She will be in the nurses office."
Sam looks at Camden. "Well, I guess your sissy is coming home."
Sam walks back up the stairs and finds Jessica laying down.
"Jessica, I have to go pick up Kennedy from school. She is sick. Do you mind if I go get her. Camden needs to be burped."
"Ok." She says faintly.
"Here you go. Here is your mama little guy."
"Can't you take him."
"I don't think it's a good idea, she's throwing up, she will want to lay in the back seat."
"Just set him in the bassinet."
Jessica's POV-
"God damn it! Please stop." She cries rocking Camden as he screams.
Jessica begins to cry setting him down in his crib.
I can't handle this. I am doing it all wrong. I can't sleep, eat, or anything else of that matter. I love this baby, but I feel so exhausted. Why can't I be the mother these kids deserve. I feel hopeless. What is going on with me.
Jessica closes the nursery door and falls to the ground and puts her head against the door. She covers her face and cries. Camden cries louder.
Jessica looks up and sees Sam running up the stairs. He looks at her than moves her to open the door. He picks him up and he stops crying.
"Jess, what the hell!"
Jessica doesn't say anything.
"Why did you leave him in there crying! He is probably hungry, he wants you! You don't do that. I herd you screaming from the garage." Sam says raising his voice.
"Oh shut the fuck up Sam. I am the one that gets up every 30 minutes to feed him, 24/7. And you get to sleep. You don't understand, I am in pain. My boobs hurt, I am fat, I am worthless. I am so tired. Just yell at me some more, I dare you." Jessica screams.
Camden begins to cry even more. Kennedy stands at the top of the stairs looking at her mother. She was shocked.
"Damn it Jessica." Sam holds the baby in one arm and takes Kennedys hand with the other. As Kennedy walks down the hall she turns her head staring at Jessica.
Jessica whispers quietly to herself, I am sorry.
Later that night Sam took care of the kids. Jessica had left the house. Sam at the time was worried but didn't care where Jessica was. He was so angry with her. He was angry that she thought her herself so poorly, and mad at himself for how he acted. He went to put Kennedy to bed, she was still very sick.
"Okay, let's get in bed." Sam says.
"Daddy, where is mommy? Why was she so angry?" Kennedy says with a tear falling down her face.
"Mommy didn't mean I yell. She is stressed out, and tired."
"I want her to take care of me. She is the best nurse."
"What about me?" Sam says with a smile.
"I want mommy."
"I know honey, she needs time to herself, to cool down. And she can't get sick."
"Ugh, she never talks anymore. She never wants to go anything." Kennedy says in a stern tone.
"That's not true honey. Mommy just had a baby, and is still in pain. Just give her time."
"I miss the old mommy."
"Get to bed, and she will be here in the morning."
Sam kisses Kennedy goodnight and goes downstairs to wait for Jessica. He sits in the couch and checks his phone. He saw that he missed a text from Sarah.
Sam, Jess is with me. She isn't doing so well. I am going to let her crash here.
Sam's heart raced. 'She isn't doing well'? What does that mean. Was it something he had done? He texted Sarah back.
The kids are in bed. They want her. What's going on?
A few minutes later Sarah replies.
She is so sleep deprived. I don't want to wake her. She will be back in the morning. I think she really needs some rest. So do you. Goodnight.

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