Main Focus

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The next morning Jessica woke up on the couch wrapped up in a blanket. The sound of Camden crying woke her up. Jessica's eyes were sore from crying so much.

Jessica got off he couch and walked into the kitchen. Sarah was making breakfast. She had Camden strapped around her and Kennedy sat at the table.

"Good morning mommy!" Kennedy runs up and gives Jessica a hug.

"Good morning everyone." Jessica gives a small smile that looks at Sarah.

"Look Cam, mommy is up. See?" Sarah turns around and Camden smiles.

Jessica walks over I him and in straps him.

"Hey little guy, did you wake auntie Sarah up?"

"No, actually he slept in. I most likely woke him up.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. Do you need help?"

"No! You sit down, what would you like?"

"I am not hungry, but thanks again."

"Mommy, your phone won't stop ringing." Kennedy slides it over to her and she glances at her notifications.

Jessica let's out a huff and slides down.

"Was it daddy?" Kennedy says with wide eyes.

"Yes, it was."

"Why did you call him back? Why can't we go home?"

Sarah buds in to make it easier on Jessica.

"Because, we are going to have a fun weekend, just the four of us! Do you not like spending time with me?" Sarah says in a joking way.

"I do, i do! I love you auntie Sarah."

Sarah giggles.

"I am going to go upstairs and feed Camden. Kennedy why don't you help Aunt Sarah clean up, okay honey?" Jessica leans down and gives her a kiss.


"I am so sorry little guy. You have seen so much, haven't you. And you are only 3 months old.
You know I love you, and I would do anything for you and your sister." Jessica says as she feeds Camden.

"I wish things didn't have to turn out like this. I wanted to be a happy family. It's my fault, if I wasn't -
You are only a little baby, I shouldn't say his stuff should I?" Jessica giggles than looks at him. Camden was half asleep.


Later that day Jessica took the kids out to eat. Jessica wasn't hungry, she hadn't ate after what happened last night. Kennedy started getting suspicious and asking a lot of questions.

"How is your food?" Jessica says bouncing Camden on her lap.

"Yummy. I wish daddy was here." She says with sad eyes.

Jessica lets out a sigh.

"Where is he? Why are you nit answering him."

"Honey, its complicated."

"Tell me!" She pouts

Jessica cleared her throat. She never thought she would have to tell her kid that mommy and daddy are splitting up. Jessica had thought about it and was too angry at Sam.

"Daddy and I aren't going to be living together right now."

"Why? Don't you love each other?"

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