White Spots

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"Hello Mrs. Shepard, I'm Doctor Yanek. I'm the head radiologist here." A tall man stands up and shakes Jessica's hand.

"Hi..." She slowly sits down in the seat in front of the doctors desk.

"Alright, let's get started.

You do have a lump. There was also some other things that caught my eye."

"Is it cancer?"

"Well, we aren't sure yet. I would like to recommend you to a great oncologist. His name is Doctor Burke."

"What else did you find that would need you to recommend me to an oncologist?"

"Well, first off your lump. Second we found white spots on your left breast and a few on your right. They are called Micro-calcifications. I'm going to recommend you get a biopsy."

"Can't you just remove my lump and the Micro-calcifications?"

"You can't remove Micro-calcifications. We could remove the lump. But the biopsy can determine if you need to remove it or not."

Jessica was silent. She put her head down and cried.

"Ma'am, there's no need to worry. If it is cancer, so many women overcome it. Truthfully."

"Do you think it's cancer?"

"I can't say, because I don't know."

"Have you seen scans like mine that end up being cancer?"

"Yes, but everyone's diff-"

"Do you think I have cancer."

"Possibly, we don't know."

"Shit." Jessica covers her face and cries even more.

The doctor stands up and sits next to Jessica.

"Mrs. Shepard. All I can tell you to do is just try not to think about it, because in the end all it could be is just a little lump."

"It's easy for you to say. I have two kids at home and a husband. I can't have cancer."

"Listen, I know this is scary. No matter what you can get through it. I called Doctor Burke and he has an appointment for you a week from today for your biopsy."


Thank you."


The car ride home was dreadful for Jessica. She didn't know how to tell Sam without him freaking out.

When she got home Kennedy was in the living room playing with Camden.

"Mama!" Camden yells quickly crawling over to Jessica.

Jessica smiled and kneeled down holding her arms out.

"Mama!" Camden jumps into Jessica's arms.

Jessica picks him up and swings him around.

"Why aren't you walking? Huh? You can walk!" Jessica giggles giving him endless kisses.

"Hi mom, how was your checkup?" Kennedy walks in.

"It was okay. I'm happy to be home." Jessica gives Kennedy a hug and looks at Camden who was all smiles.

"Ken." Camden exclaims pointing to Kennedy.

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