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December 15-

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December 15-

"The holiday's are almost over sweetie." Sam smiles and brings Jessica a cup of tea.

"Is that a bad thing?" Jessica giggles

"No, you have been so stressed, I am glad that you won't have so much hanging over your head in just a few weeks."  Sam goes to the end of the bed and rubs Jessica's feet.

"I love the holidays. Everyone is happy and calm. This is a good kind of stressed." Jessica blows him a kiss.


Jessica finished up all of her last minute shopping and was getting ready to leave for Minnesota. Kennedy didn't want to see Meryl, when Jessica had asked her she said she wanted to spend time with her family. Jessica just told Meryl that now wasn't a good time and didn't think anything else of it. Sam was starting to move small stuff over to their house in New York and get their house in New Orleans on the market. After a few weeks of thinking, Jessica and Sam decided to move to New York early, before the baby comes. They plan to transfer Kennedy into the private school in New York. It was a quick decision they made, but luckily for Jess AHS will be airing soon and she doesn't need to be on set anymore. She was relieved that they could leave New Orleans and take Kennedy out of her current school. Ryan was always giving Jess a confusing schedule and never knew when they would be done. 


December 20-

"Mom, Dad! Hi" Jessica walks into the warm house and opens her arms to her mom.

"Jessie! Look at you, so stunning. That baby needs to come out soon!" Dorthy puts her hands on Jessica's stomach and smiles.

"Grandma!" Kennedy runs into Dorthy's arms

"How much you have grown, my goodness!" 

"I missed you!" 

"We both missed you too! Let's go sit down and catch up, eat some dinner. Mommy needs to rest."


After dinner, Jessica and Sam put Kennedy to sleep and went back to talk to her parents.

"Are you guys ready?" Jessica's dad says taking a sip of his beer.

"For what dad?" Jessica says giggling, taking Sam's hand.

"The move, the baby. That's a lot to handle."

"We are ready. Thankfully we have most of our stuff there. The big thing is selling the New Orleans house and getting everything out of there." Sam says

"Make sure Jess doesn't do anything big. She is so far along." Dorthy says looking at Jessica.

"It will be just fine. By the time we are in New York, I will be about full term, I guess we are cutting it close." 

"You sure are, you are super fragile full term Jessie. I told your father he should fly out and help Sam while you and Kennedy stay in New York." 

"Dad, you don't have to do that." 

"Yea, I have it under control, no need to fly back and fourth," Sam says

"I want to. It's important that Jess takes it easy and Kennedy gets settled into her new school, I don't want you doing all that by yourself." Albert says laughing

"If you want to help, at least let us pay for your ticket." 

"No!" Dorthy say "Jessie, maybe when your father is with Sam, I could stay with you so you aren't alone, help you organize the house and nursery?" 

"I feel so bad, you guys stopping everything to help us. You really don't have too." 

"We want to Jess! It's no problem for us."

"Thank you, so much."


December 23

"It is almost Christmas!" Kennedy pranced around her grandparents living room and smiled. Jessica sat on the couch and laughed with her sister Ann.

"You crazy kids, you should go play in the snow," Ann says.

"Audrey, wanna go build a snowman for Santa?" Kennedy runs upstairs and grabs her snow stuff.

"Jess, look at this picture I took of you guys earlier, I cropped out you and Sam's head's out. Oops." Ann Laughs.

"Oh gosh, it is a cute picture though" Jessica laughs

"Is Kennedy excited to leave school?" 

"Yes, very. I am anxious to get her out of there. She will be so much happier, and a lot of girls she knows go to this private school. It will be nice."

"That's good. I am happy for all of you!" 


December 25th-

It was Christmas! Jessica spent the day with her family and friends exchanging gifts and love. The day was filled with happiness and joy. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Jessica and Sam also announced what they were naming their baby boy! Everyone was so happy and excited for them. Jessica was 27 weeks exactly. Kennedy enjoyed her time with her cousins and grandparents, playing in the snow. It was a wonderful day. 

Sorry, this is so short. Anyone noticing my horrible photoshop skills? Comment what you think the babys name should be. :) 

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