Opening Statements

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October 3rd- the day the Shepard's lives changed forever.

October 3rd, they all woke up and got ready for what might be begging of the worst few days of their life. They started it off as a normal day, Jessica woke up early and fed baby. Sam made breakfast, cleaned up, then they all began getting ready. Dorthy and Jane got ready first while Sam and Jessica organized everything for court and took care of the baby and Kennedy. Once Dorthy and Jane were done they took over so they could eat ready.

Jessica and Sam got into their dress suits. They were told to not look to fancy, but not to casual. Jessica wore black dress pants, heels, a white blouse, and black blazer. Sam wore a suit and blue tie. Jessica curled her hair and put it up in a pony tail. The house was silent throughout the morning. No one spoke. The energy was very tense. No one was at ease. Jessica felt sick the whole day, she didn't know what would happen in that court room or how she would be able to face Meryl and Don.

The babysitter came to watch Camden and Kennedy for the day. Sarah was going to meet them at the court house. They all were scheduled to testify today expect for Jessica, Sam, and Kennedy.

When they got to the court house they met with the lawyer in a small room to go over how everything would work, what to do, and what not to do.

"Now, we all need to make sure that we keep comments and emotions to ourself. Crying is okay, not enough that is disrupts he court room. No eye rolls, huffs, glares, or snarky comments. I know it will be hard."

They all nod.

"Let's win this."

Sam and Jessica follow their lawyer into the court room and it down. Jane and Dorthy sit behind them until it's time for them to testify.
Jessica and Sam don't make eye contact with Meryl and Don because they know it would be too hard.

Jessica could see from the corner of her eye Meryl looking at her. Jessica finally moves her head slightly to the left when she sees Meryl mouth-
I'm sorry

Jessica quickly looks back as the bailiff enters the room.

"All rise. The Court of New York City is now in session, the Honorable Judge Marcus presiding." The bailiff announces.

They all stand until the judge sits down.

"Court case 5738. Plaintiff Meryl L. Streep and Don J Gummer stood by Henry Alan challenging the adoption of Kennedy Anne Shepard. Defendants Jessica P. Lange and Samuel R. Shepard stood by Greg Conroy."

Everyone sits down. The judge exams the room.

"Good morning everybody. Today is going to be a long day, so let's begin. Mr. Alan you may present your case." The judge says

Meryl and Don's lawyer stands up."Thank you your honor.

Today we come here to discuss custody of a little girl. Kennedy Anne Gummer. Kennedy's parents are my two clients Meryl and Don. Meryl and Don 10 years ago had their daughter Kennedy. At the time Meryl and Don were unsure of being able to give their little baby girl the correct life. They made the tough choice to give Jessica and Sam Shepard custody of their child. This was only until they could properly take care of their child. The Shepard's went along and fought for full custody taking this little girl away from her true family forever. Now, that doesn't seem right. Every little girl should be with her true family. And people change. Over these last 10 years Meryl and Don both have great carries and another little girl at home who lives a happy life. Don't you think that little girl would like to finally be with her sister?" Mr. Alan walks around and talks to the people of the court.

Jessica tapped her foot continuously. Thinking of all that was wrong with that statement.

"Mr. Conroy, you may begin."

"Thank you your honor.

I have know the Shepard's for quite a long time. Since the very first day they called me ten years ago, telling me the story of how they got Kennedy. I specifically remember Mrs. Shepard telling me that her friend Meryl, who was addicted to many addictive drugs, gave her daughter up. Reason being she "loved drugs more, and not her daughter, and that she couldn't give her daughter a good life." And that Don doesn't want the baby. Meryl left signed papers for a closed adoption on Jessica's bedside... Now, we were able to finalize the adoption. Ever since Kennedy was put into their arms they gave her everything she would ever need and an amazing life. In this case we need to think about this little girl, what she knows, and that's her family. Kennedy loves her family deeply, she is such a smart, strong, funny little girl. You can't run that. If you take her away from her parents you take away her soul."

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