Hi, I'm Jessica

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Before we start, the order of dates is going to be mixed up, so Frances in this fanfic, will be filmed in 1999! Enjoy!

May 1999-

In early March Jessica agreed to do a film based on the true story of Frances Farmer. She was so nervous to do such a big role like this.

May 5th, the day she would be meeting her co-stars and all of the producers and staff that she would be spending the next few months with.

Jessica felt so small in such a huge environment. Sets were being built, costumes were being designed, and meetings were being held.

Jessica walked into the conference room and saw everyone sitting around a large circular table. Each seat had a glass of water with a notebook and pen handy.

When Jessica walked in everyone stood up.

"Jessica Lange! Everyone meet our star, Frances Farmer." Graeme Clifford said clapping.

Jessica's cheeks turned red and her body had a quick flash of heat. She stared at the ground and shook her head.

"Thank you" she said in an embarrassed tone.

Jessica took a seat at the far left of the table. They all waited for the rest of the co-stars to arrive. Jessica met her "movie mother" and other people she would be working with. She became very comfortable with everyone and slowly broke out of her shell.

30 minutes later-

"Damn it Sam! If he doesn't get his ass here in five minutes he's fired and I'm hiring George Clooney!"

"Who is Sam?" Jessica whispers to the women sitting next to her.

"Sam Shepard, he's your co-star."

The door quickly bursted open. Sam stood at the door way with sweat dripping down the side of his face.

The moment he walked in Sam apologized. Jessica stared at the tall man who was dressed in flannel, jeans, and boots. Jessica chuckled as the director yelled at him.

Sam then caught eyes with Jessica. From the far distant they stared each other down.

Jessica then turned to her right breaking the stare down.

A moment later Sam walked up next to Jessica.

"Hello, I'm Sam Shepard. I'm playing Harry York."

"Hi, I'm Jessica." She smiles

"You must have the role as Frances."

"I do... You play my love interest?" Jessica shakes Sam's hand as he sits next to her.

"This will be fun." Sam says

Jessica catches Sam staring at Jessica's cleavage. Jessica looks down at him then covers up her chest with her sweater.

Sam quickly looked up at Jessica and giggled

"I'm sorry... My bad." He whispers

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