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It had been a few days since Kennedy had waken up. Her memory was very vague. Jessica and Sam showed her pictures and videos trying to bring back her memory of their family. Jessica brought in Camden to see his sister and Kennedy began to remember him, but not Jessica and Sam being her parents. She would ask for Meryl once and a while. Jessica was torn between if she should call Meryl or not. The doctors said Kennedy was recovering well, in the next week they would try to get her walking.
Jessica and Sam had a strain between them. They were both angry at each other for no reason.

"How do you feel today?" Jessica says walking around Kennedy's room.
"Fine." She says
"That didn't sound like you were being honest." Jessica walks over to her and takes her hand.
"I am sorry."
"For what baby?"
"Forgetting you."
Jessica looked at her with watery eyes. She didn't know how to respond.
"It will come back to you, I know it will." Jessica smiles and runs her hand down Kennedy's face.
"I really want to remember you."
"I am sorry baby."
Kennedy hugs Jessica and Jessica cries.
"I am starting to remember things, I really am. I am trying my hardest."
"That's good."
Dorthy stayed with Kennedy, and Jessica went home to see the baby.
Sam sat in his office writing when Jessica got home.
"Where is the baby?" She says walking into his office.
Jessica was frustrated with Sam. It had been 3 days since he had went to see Kennedy.

"So, what's going on?" She says walking around.
"Trying to get this chapter finished."
Why aren't you going to the hospital?" Jessica says.
"I can't, I am busy. Can we talk later."
Jessica took a deep breath that glared at Sam.
"Tell me."
"Tell you what?"
"Why aren't you visiting our daughter?
She needs us."
"To Kennedy, she isn't our daughter."
"She knows we are her parents. She lost some of her memory but she's getting it back. I know she is."
"Give it up Jessica. She is never getting it back!" Sam yells pounding his fist on the desk.
Jessica jumps up and covers her mouth as she begins to cry. Sam turns around and looks at her.
"I am sorry, I- it's just hard." Sam stands up trying to comfort Jessica.
"No, you don't get to apologize!" Jessica pulls away from him.
"Jessica!" He says grabbing her arm
"Let go of me!"
"Jessica, stop! I can't do this! I can't go on knowning our daughter forgets us. I can't see her in pain, in that hospital bed. Frustrated, confused, scared! I have seen enough these last few months. You in the hospital, Kennedy in the hospital, I have seen it all. You don't understand Jessica!" Sam screams as loud as he can.
The piercing scream of the baby scares Jessica. She looks at him with tears in her eyes. She could see the rage and frustration in his eyes.
She turned around and went into the nursery shutting the door and locking it.

"Hey sweet little baby boy, it's okay." Jessica says in a baby voice picking up Camden.

"Are you hungry? I think so!" Jessica wipes her tears and smiles at Camden.
He starts to smile kicking his legs and reaching out his hands. Jessica takes is little hand and kisses it.
"You are the only man I need.
Here let's get you some food.
You're such a cute little buggy. I love you so much. Mommy is sorry she hasn't been able to see you that much. But I am going to take you with me tonight. We are going to pack a bag and stay at grandmas, huh?"


Jessica runs around her room getting a suit case. She had Camden in one arm and her clothes in another. She threw everything she could inside of her small suitcase. She than gathered up some of Camden's things, and Kennedy's also. When Jessica was in Kennedy'a room she paused her a moment and sat on the bed.

Why are you doing this Jessica. You are going to regret it. You are letting your anger take over. Stop it! You know he loves you and you love him. It's a rough time... right? He is sad, everyone reacts differently.

Come on Jess. Get the stuff and leave.

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