Chin Up

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Jessica's birthday-

That Monday Jessica had chemo. It was her thirty-sixth birthday.

"Happy birthday,Jessie." Sam rolls over and kisses Jessica.

"Thank you... I should get ready."

"What did you want to do for your birthday?"

"Get chemo done and over with. I just want to have a relaxing day."

Sam let's out a sigh and helps Jessica get out of bed. Jessica slides into comfy clothes, puts of her head scarf, and grabs her bag for the hospital.

When she went downstairs the kitchen was decorated with balloons and streemers.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone yells happily.

Jessica giggled.

"Wow, thank you!" Jessica says

"Surprise sis!" Ann chuckles hugging Jessica.

"You guys didn't have to do this.... thank you."

"We love you, we had too!" Kennedy says hugging Jessica.

Camden starts giggling and stomping on the floor.

Sam picks him up and brings him up to Jessica's face, Jessica gives him a kiss and smiles.

"I made you pancakes and a fruit smoothie if you would like to eat." Dorthy says

"I don't think I can..." Jessica says quietly

"That's alright... Did you want your medicine?"

"I mine as well take it." Jessica says with a smirk.

After Jessica takes her medicine she checks the time.

"Sorry to be a party pooper, but I have to go get chemicals pumped into my body." Jessica says

"The party isn't over. We are all coming to keep you company!" Al says

"Yea, dad called the hospital and they said they could give you a room." Kennedy says

"I don't want you to all be bored. It's going to be so warm out." Jessica pouts.

"We would rather spend the day with the birthday girl." Audrey says


When they get to the infusion floor they take Jessica to her own room instead on the chemo room. Jessica, Sam, her parents, sister, niece, Kennedy, Audrey, and Camden came with Jessica.

Jessica was cleared for chemo, they did the usual pre-meds, iv's, and then started the chemo. The doctor gave her medicine so she wouldn't be so tired.

"Does it hurt? I feel like needles hurt." Kennedy says sitting next Jessica.

"Not really. I've gotten used to it." Jessica says

Dorthy sighs....

"You're mommy is strong. She's a tough lady!" The nurse says walking in.
The nurse starts checking Jessica's stats and IV bags.

"I want to be strong like mom."

"Haha, you're too sweet little girl."

"Can I be strong like aunt Jessica?" Audrey says looking up at Ann.

Jessica smiled as a single tear fell from her face.

"Thank you guys for coming. I appreciate it. It brightens the mood of this place."

"Do you need anything Jessica? Food, water, popsicles?" Al says concerned

"I'm okay dad."

"Mommy doesn't really eat." Kennedy says

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