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"Good morning honey, Ken and I decided to make you your favorite!" 

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"Good morning honey, Ken and I decided to make you your favorite!" 

"French toast!" Kennedy says with a large smile of her face as Jessica continues to finish making it..

"You guys didn't have to do this! But it does look yummy!" Sam picks up Kennedy into his arms and goes to kiss Jessica..

"Be careful! I don't want you guys to burn yourself!" Why don't you all go sit down and I will finish breakfast.." Jessica looks at Sam with a flirty smile, then tries to get back to breakfast..


"So what did you guys want to do this weekend,It's suppose to be nice this weekend.....We can do anything..." Jessica says

"Don't you have some filming to do this weekend with Sarah?" Sam says in a confused tone..

"No it was cancelled, Sarah has some family things she needs to take care of.." 

"Well maybe we can go see the puppies at the shelter? I really want to give them my old stuffies, they like them a lot..." Kennedy smiles hoping for a yes..

"I don't see why we can't go and see them, maybe we can donate some dog food? What do you say Jess?" Sam looks at Jessica and see's her face getting pale.. "Jess are you okay?" Jessica runs right out of the room and into the bathroom, she begins to throw up. Kennedy gets nervous, she hated seeing her parents sick. Sam runs into the bathroom to hold up Jessica's hair and rubs her back.. "Ken, why don't you go get your mother some ginger ale in the fridge please.." Sam continues  to hold Jessica's hair, then whispers to her, "Is this morning sickness Jess?" Jessica calms herself and picks her head up "Can you hand me a towel please Sam... And yes I think so, I think we might have to take a trip to the doctor this weekend..." Jessica looks at Sam with watery eyes then beings to throw up again... "Ken, do you have that ginger ale please?"


"Jessica, I don't think we should go to the shelter today, you need to rest... You can barley get out of bed. I can take her.." Sam sits on the edge of the bed next to Jessica as he strokes her forehead with a cold towel...

"I don't want to ruin my day weekend off in bed honey, I want to spend more time with Kennedy, you don't understand how guilty I feel.. I miss her during the day.." Jessica tears up and puts her head on Sam's chest..

"I miss her too honey, she is at school all day anyways.. You are a great mom, and you look terrific while doing it.. Everything is going to be okay, you just need to rest for our second little one.. I can't wait to tell Kennedy.." 

"I am going to get fat you know.... God I feel old.." Jessica lifts her head up from Sam's chest and wipes her tears..

"You won't be fat Jess, and Old? Damn it, You are only 35!" Sam giggles and puts his hands on Jessica's belly...

"Haha, it will be a while until it kicks.. And lets wait on telling Kennedy... I want to be 100% sure everything is okay.. I don't want to give her hopes up... Pregnancies are the most unpredictable thing... It's going to be weird having a baby.." Jessica forces a smile and Sam looks back at her and kisses her..

"Mommy?" Kennedy stands at the door with flowers she picked from the backward.. Jessica looks at Kennedy and opens her arms, gesturing her to come give Jessica a hug..

"Hey little rascal! Sorry if I ruined your breakfast sweetie..." Kennedy jumps on the bed and into Jessica's arms.

"Be careful Ken, mommy still doesn't feel that well" Sam gets up and goes onto his side of the bed to lie down.

"I am sorry you are sick mommy... But I know we were going to go see the doggies, but Madison invited me to  her weekend  party, and I was wondering if I could please go. I really want too.. Her mommy would need you to call her.. Please mommy, please!" Kennedy puckers her lips and hands Jessica her cellphone...

"I guess it wouldn't be a problem.. What do you think Sam?" Jessica looks at Kennedy with a smirk....

"I am okay with it, here give me the phone, I will call her mom, let your mommy get some rest.. Jess I am gonna get her ready, you get some rest, maybe find some doctors for the umm..... Ken go get ready" Kennedy leaves the room and gives Jessica a big hug and kiss goodbye.. 

"What were you saying hun? "

"Find a doctor for the baby...."

"Oh yes, an OB, I will do that.. Thank you love..."


Later That Day-

"Sam, I got a doctor, they fit us in for an appointment in an hour, we should go get ready..."Jessica looks at Sam with sparkles in her eyes.

"So soon? Okay well Kennedy is gone so lets go to the doctors! Are you feeling better?"

"I will grab the keys, and I am still feeling a bit shitty, but there is nothing I can do... Now lets go!!!" Jessica grabs the keys and gestures Sam to get a move on..


"Jessica Lange Shepard? The doctor is ready for you.." The nurse steps out and takes Jessica's health forms..Jessica and Sam stand up and walk into the exam room

"Okay Jessica! I am Dr. Kelly, Warren Kelly. So you think you are pregnant? " The doctor puts on her gloves and prepares to give Jessica an exam..

"Yes, I took about 20 test, 17 came out positive.. I have been really tired and starting to have morning sickness I just want to make sure and see if everything is okay.." Jessica looks at Sam and holds his hand as she goes to lie down in her hospital gown..

"Well we can do that for you Jessica, morning sickness is always a good sign! I am going to need you to spread apart your legs, it is going to be cold... I am going to see if there is a baby in there, then I will give you an ultrasound... Now take a deep breath in and relax, it is going to be uncomfortable..." The doctor puts the scope up Jessica's vagina and looks at the monitor... "if you would like you can look at the tiny monitor, you might be able to see the baby... The scope as a little camera on it.." Sam looks at the tiny monitor while Jessica twiddles her thumbs in discomfort...

"Well congrats kids! You are having yourself a baby.. Jessica, you are 8 weeks! Congrats..." Jessica tears up and kisses Sam..

"We are having a baby Sam!" Sam puts his hands on Jessica's shoulder as the doctors pulls up a picture of the baby...

"Is this your first child?" The doctor ask as he prints out pictures..

"Our first pregnancy, we adopted a little girl 9 years ago.." Sam says with a smile on his face..

"Well thats great.. This is going to be a journey to remember for you two!"

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