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"Thank you Dorthy. They have her on a feeding tube right now, and some oxygen." Sam's voice cracks as he looks through the hospital window at Jessica. He body was so weak. She was in restraints. He had nearly lost her. The thought of her trying to take her life killed him. He just wanted to wake her up and tell her that she was worth it.
"I will find the next flight out. Who is watching the kids?"
"Our neighbor is watching Camden right now, but my sister is going to pick up Kennedy and take her back to the house. She will then watch them."
"Sam, she needs to go. It will be hard but she needs the help. Thank you for saving her." Dorthy's voice grows soft. You could hear her crying in the background.
"Okay, thank you."
Sam hangs up the phone and rest his head on the door. A female doctor walks up to Sam, next to her was Dr. Hertz. Sam turns around and rubs his eyes.
"How are you Mr. Shepard?" Karen says putting her hand on his shoulder.
"Yes, I am just a little shook. I never thought she would do something like this. This isn't like her."
"Women with postpartum depression aren't themselves usually, it's like they are another person." The other doctor says to him. Her name was Tina Vince.
"What is next than, can she go home?"
"I am afraid not. We would like to discuss some options with you." The doctors sit down next to him.
"We think it is best if Jessica is hospitalized. Before things get worse. She will be put in intense therapy, and be well taken care of." Tina says.
"Obviously my counseling isn't enough. I will go in once a day for a few hours to work with her and other doctors." Karen says softly.
"I can't put her in a hospital. I won't give up on her like that. Please, there has to be something else. I don't want you to drug her up and chain her to a bed all day. She isn't an animal. My kids, what will they do? My newborn son needs her." Sam puts his head down and cries.
"If you let her go home, things will get worse. It will cause long term effects for her and the baby. It's highly recommended that you leave her in our hands."
"Will I be able to see her?" Sam says.
"It's up to her doctors at the hospital, it depends on how she is, and if she is well enough." Tina hands him the forms.
"Visiting hours are brief, and monitored. If you are able to see her." Karen says.
"Here are the papers. It's all up to you from here. Think about what is best for your wife. Mill Creek Hills is a great hospital, she will be safe and well taken care of." Tina hands him a brochure.
"Okay. If I can just make a few calls." Sam says.
"No problem, and security is watching the halls To make sure the press stays away."
"Thanks, that's much appreciated. It's the last thing I need."
Sam calls Dorthy and his sister. He decides that it is best to send Jessica to the hospital so she can get better. He wanted what was best for her. He knew his wife wasn't a mental case, and that she was sick and needed the best care. He came to realization that at this point it was above his power to take care of his wife.
That Night-
Sam sat in a chair next to Jessica. He held her hand. He watched her take small breaths.
Jessica slowly started to wake up. She coughed a few times. Sam stood up and held her hand. Jessica immediately started to scream and cry. Sam tried to hold her down.
"Jessica it's okay. Honey you are going to be okay. You are here." Sam tries to hold her down.
"Nothing is okay." She tries to yell.
The doctors run into the room. One nurse put a needle into her arm. Jessica slowly calmed down and went back to sleep.
"What was that for? She was just waking up!"
"She was going into shock."
Sam kneeled on his knees and began to cry.
2 days later-
Jessica was admitted into the hospital. Dorthy and Ann flew in to help Sam. Sam was quite, he didn't talk much. The first 48 hours he wasn't able to call to see how she was. Sam couldn't sleep. Kennedy kept asking about Jessica, but Sam didn't know how to tell her. He decided to spend time with just Kennedy for the day.
Kennedy and Sam went out to have lunch.
"Where is mommy. Is she okay?" Kennedy says taking a bit of sushi.
Sam clears his throat.
"Well, it's a little hard to talk about."
"Is she gone because of me? I never got to say sorry."
"Mommy hurt herself. She has to go to a hospital for a while to get better. She had to go away."
"Did she almost die?" Kennedy says softly.
A small tear falls from Kennedy's face. Sam takes her hand.
"It's my fault."
A tear falls from Sam's face as well. "No, it isn't. Don't say that."
"Will she be back soon?"
"Of course. Maybe you and I could go see her soon."
"Okay. " a faint smile appears on Kennedy's face.
I feel so alone, so scared. I told them I was better. That I need to go home to my kids. That they make me happy. I want to live. I want to leave this place. My heart sinks for the people who are in here. Many with the same problem as me. Others with drug problems, some with anxiety. I miss my husband, my baby, my daughter. I feel like I am in jail. I have to ask to go to the bathroom. Everything was taken from me. I am so god damn stupid. Why did I do this. How could I let it get this far. I know that in the end I will benefit from this. I want to get better. I want to be a better mom for my kids. I feel so loopy. I see my therapist every few hours. They are taking care of me, making me stable. I was in a crisis and they are helping me out of it. In my mind I feel I should be home. But right now this is the place for me. I am sick, I have came to realization that I have been depressed, I haven't been the mother my kids deserve. I need to call Sam to thank him for saving my life, and being so wonderful. I want to tell him I am sorry.

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