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June 12th, Kennedy's 10th birthday-
Jessica and Sam woke up early to surprise Kennedy on her birthday. Jessica cooked breakfast while Sam pulled out a small gift for her to open and fed the baby. After they were done the waited for her to get up. For Kennedy's birthday they were planning on taking her to the local dog pound to see the puppies. Kennedy had gathered all of her old stuffed animals and blankets to give to them. She also put aside some money so she could buy them treats. After they finished at the dog pound they planned to take Kennedy home and get everyone ready for her surprise birthday dinner. All of Jessica and Sam's siblings brought their kids to New York to surprise Kennedy. They stayed at a hotel a few miles away. Kennedy had no clue. Jessica and Sam knew she would be so surprised.
"My sister just asked what time we are going to meet her at the restaurant." Jessica says looking over at Sam who was holding Camden.
"Maybe 6?" Sam says
"Sam, do you think I should call the sitter? I don't think it's a good idea to bring a little baby to a dog pound." Jessica looks at Camden than smiles. Camden wiggled around in Sam's arms reaching his hands out for Jessica.
"It might be a good idea. We will only be gone for an hour or two. We can leave around his nap time." Sam stands up and gives the baby to Jessica.
"Hey little buggy, I am going to call Cassidy. You love Cassidy don't you!" Jessica gets her phone and calls the sitter.

"She can come. She will be here around 12." Jessica says.
"Great. I think the birthday girl is up. Are her pancakes ready?" Sam says peeking up the stairs.
"Yes! Should we hide?"
"Yea, behind the balloons." Sam laughs.
Kennedy walks down the stares and calls for Jessica and Sam.
"SURPRISE! Happy birthday Kennedy!" Jessica and Sam yell.
"Is this for me?" Kennedy says, she runs up to Sam's and Jessica giving them a big hug.
"Of course! I can't believe my little girl is 10 years old! No more single digits." Sam says picking up Kennedy and twirling her around in the air.
"Thank you daddy!"
"Camden say happy birthday to your big sister! She is 10!" Jessica says waving Camden's hand. Camden giggles and opens his mouth.
"He's trying!" Sam laughs. Sam takes the baby from Jessica.
"My girl, 10 years old. Time does fly." Jessica gives Kennedy and hug and kiss.
"I love you mommy."
"Here Ken, why don't you open your gift. It's just something small." Sam sits her down and hands her a small box wrapped in pink paper.
Jessica and Sam sit down next to her. Jessica pulls out her phone and records Kennedy.
Kennedy slowly opens the box, Jessica and Sam look at eachother and smile.
"It's a dog collar." Kennedy looks at them funny holding it up.
"Look at the tags." Sam says
Kennedy read out their address.
"Are we getting a dog?" Kennedy jumps up and stands on the chair.
"When we go to the shelter today, you can pick out one dog to adopt." Jessica says with a smile on her face.
Kennedy starts to cry tears of joy. "Really? I can adopt a dog?"
"Really! Now remember having a dog is a big responsibility. These last few months you have shown mommy and daddy that you are ready to take on this kind of responsibility." Sam says
"I promise I will be the best dog owner!"
"So are you excited?" Jessica says putting down her phone.
"Yes! Thank you, thank you! This is the best gift ever!" Kennedy runs over to Jessica than Sam and gives them a hug.
"Your welcome sweetie. I made some chocolate pancakes for you." Jessica says giving her a plate.
"Yum! I never get chocolate ones!" Kennedy takes her fork and takes a bite.
"Slow down honey." Sam says laughing.
"I am just so happy!"
"Cassidy is coming over at 12 to watch Camden. Daddy and I are going to take you."
"Okay! I don't think Camden would like listening to all the dogs bark."
Sam and Jessica drove Kennedy to the shelter. Kennedy brought in all of her donations. The  volunteers let her give them to the dogs. Everyone at the shelter knew Kennedy because she helped out on the weekends. As she walked around and looked at all the dogs one lady told the background of all the dogs. There was one that Kennedy had her eye on. It was a small grey lab with blue eyes. He was only 6 months  old and was taken to the shelter after his owner died. He had a good background and was not aggressive at all. His name was Blu, because of his blue eyes.
"Mommy, I really like this one. His name is blu." Kennedy points to blu who sat in a small cage wrapped up with a toy.
"Isn't he a cutie."
"I walked him before. He is really good." Kennedy smiles
"He is so adorable." Sam says bending down.
"Is Blu the one you want?"
"Yes!" Kennedy says with excitement.
"Okay, let's go see if we can take him home."
Jessica and Sam say.
Jessica and Sam fill out the paper work to adopt blu. Kennedy was able to hold him in the car. Jessica and Sam took Kennedy to the pet store. They picked out a leash, dog food, toys, and a small kennel for him to sleep in.
Once they got home Camden was up. They slowly introduced the puppy to Camden. Camden wouldn't stop smiling. Blu tried to give him kisses but Jessica wouldn't let him. Blu was very well behaved. Kennedy spent the whole day playing with him, and she even started to train him on how to sit and stay. Sam and Kennedy went outside to get him used to the yard.
When it was time to leave Jessica told Kennedy they wanted to take her out to dinner as a family. They left blu and the house. They put him in his little kennel and he was fast asleep. When they got to the restaurant Sam texted his sister telling them they were there.
"Reservations sir?" The host says
"Yes, Shepard." Sam gives him a look and the man looks down at his paper.
"Ah, yes. A table for 4 plus one baby. Right this way." The man winks than takes them into a private room.
Kennedy held Jessica's hand and looked up at her confused.
"Mommy, were are we going?"
The host opens the door. The room was decorated with balloons and streamers.
"Surprise!" Everyone yells jumping out from behind the table.
Kennedy jumps and looks at Sam and Jessica.
"Happy Birthday Kennedy, go have fun!" All of her cousins come up and give her hugs.
The rest of the night they ate dinner, talked, played around, ate cake, and opened gifts. Kennedy was so happy and didn't want the night to end. Jessica and Sam made a quick toast to end the night.
"Kennedy, happy birthday sweetie. It's hard to believe that you are 10 years old. I remember holding you when you were just a little baby girl." Sam says holding Jessica.
"You will always be our little girl, but such a mature, funny, smart, and kind one. You light up our world. You are so good to your little brother. We are so lucky to have you in our lives. We love you to the moon and back!" Jessica says with a tear falling down her face.
The crowd 'ahhhs' Kennedy runs up and gives her parents a hug.

On the way home both of the kids were asleep.

"God, my phone has been blowing up all night."
"Who is it?"
"Fuck, I told you I wouldn't hold my breath."
"Meryl?" Sam says looking over at Jessica's phone.
"Yep. She must have been trying to get ahold of Kennedy."
"What did she say?"
"Jessica and Sam, words can describe how sorry I am for the actions of Don and I. I beat myself up for my actions everyday and all the drama I have caused..." Jessica rolls her eyes
"Continue..." Sam says
"I love Kennedy so much, and I know that we may have ruined a fresh start with her. I have spent the last 10 years bettering myself for her. I blew it and I am sorry. I still will try my hardest to have a relationship with her. Please let me talk to her and wish her a happy birthday."
"I love how she thinks a small little text can get her out of all the pain she caused."
"I am going to ignore it. Kennedy wants nothing to do with her. I don't want to force her on Kennedy."
"Sounds good."

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