Acting Up

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The next morning Jessica went over to Sam's to pick up Camden.

"Hey, Jess come in. I was expecting you until 12." Sal opens the door with Camden in his hands.

Camden's face was red and his eyes were watery.

"Why is he crying?" Jessica walks in and takes Camden from Sam.

"Hey baby, did you miss mommy?" Camden's eyes light up and he rest his head on her chest.

Jessica looked around Sam's apartment which was a mess.

"I haven't had much time to clean up. But make yourself comfortable." Sam smiles running into the kitchen to flip the pancakes.

"Mommy!" Kennedy says running into the living room

"Hey girly, what's up?" Jessica leans over and gives her a hug.

"I don't have to go home right now do I?"

"No, I am going to see you Monday. What did you guys do last night?"

"Camden wouldn't stop crying! So he tried to get him to stop and drove around."

Jessica looks at Sam and lifts her eyebrows. Jessica walks into the kitchen. She looks at all the dirty dishes and Kennedy goes back into her room.

"Sorry, I didn't want to bother you last night."

"I knew he should have stayed home with me. His tummy is probably bothering him." Jessica looks at Camden as he sucks on his thumb.

"He is okay now. Sorry for the mess. How was your night?"

"Good. The strangest thing happened."

"What is that?"

"I saw Meryl."

Sam drops the spatula and turns to her."

"What?" He says

"Yea, at Sawa. She moved to New York!"

"Why! Did you talk to her?"

"She said that she is going to call me soon to see ken. I can't believe she moved here. It worries me."

"Don't worry, everything is fine. She is just creepy. Her and Don."

"I was just making sure that it's okay with you if Kennedy sees her."

"Well, actually no."


"Yea, no. I barley get to see Kennedy as much as I used to. And now you are brining another 'parent' figure into this mess. I feel like it will be too confusing."

"I guess. But I would let her see Meryl on my time."

"Just no, please. I don't want to get caught up with her and that drama."

"Sam... if we don't let her see Kennedy, she could try to pull something."


"Okay, fine. I am going to go take him home. He doesn't look so good." Jessica looks down at Camden.


Kennedy! Come say bye to your mother."
Sam kisses Camden's head than looks at Jessica almost going in for a kiss. She backs away.

"Hey Jessica, that was our first conversation without fighting." Sam says trying to lighten the mood.

Jessica gives him a small smile than turns to Kennedy.

"Bye baby. I will see you Monday okay?"

"Okay, love you mommy!" Kennedy gives her a hug and kiss than runs back into her room.


"Bye Jess."


Camden's GERD was acting up causing him to fuss. He refused to eat or be held. He kept getting sick.

Jessica tried to give him a warm bath to help with the pain and being uncomfortable.

Jessica was so overwhelmed. She was all alone. She had been alone with a baby before but she always had the feeling that Sam would be home soon to help. Jessica tried to call the doctor but they said to only bring him in if he spikes a fever over 101.1.

Jessica got into the bathtub with Jessica and held up. She gently wiped him with a warm washcloth.

Camden screams and cried.

"Baby, I am so sorry you don't feel well. Mommy is trying to help you but you won't let me.

I know it's hard, you just need to calm down. Can you try to eat again?" Jessica tries I feed him but he just pushes away.

Jessica knew that laying Camden down would hurt the pain even more and if he threw up he could choke, so after the bath Jessica walked around he house carrying him and sitting down with him.

3 am-

Jessica didn't sleep one bit. She stayed up all night and into the morning. Camden wouldn't stop crying. Every 20 minutes Jessica could check his forehead to see if he was warmer.

While Jessica was sitting in the couch Camden had finally calmed down. Jessica slowly stared to fall asleep until she was woken up with Camden getting sick all over her.


Please stop crying baby..."

Jessica let's out a sigh than goes upstairs to change. She sets Camden down in his uplift bouncer and got into the shower. He screamed even louder when Jessica put him down. She left the curtain open to make sure he didn't get sick again.

6 am-

Camden did the same thing over and over until Jessica had enough. She still hadn't slept. She called the doctor and he said to bring Camden into the office.

Jessica called Sam.

"Jess, what's going on?" He says with a grimy voice.

"I need you to come over and take Camden and I to the doctor. I can't drive, I haven't slept."

"Is he okay? Are you okay?"

"I am fine, he is just too sick and we were up all night."

"Okay, I will be right over."

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