It's A Hard Battle

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Sunday Night-

Over the weekend Sam got better, but he passed his bug over to Kennedy, Jessica, and Camden. Throughout the day they were each getting sick. It was the hardest on Camden because he was only so little. They all shared a bed and slept the whole day watching movies, getting sick, and eating popsicles. Sam took care of each of them.

That Sunday night Camden got even more sick. Him and Kennedy were up hour after hour. Even though Jessica felt just as bad she still had to take care of the kids.

All four of them sat in the bathroom wide awake.

Sam set up pillows and blankets on the large bathroom floor. Sam leaned up against the bathtub holding Camden while Jessica rested next to the toilet with Kennedy resting on top of her.

"Mom, I'm going to get sick again." Kennedy rolls over to the toilet. Jessica sighs and holds back her hair rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry Kenny..." Jessica says in exhaustion.

"Jessica, Cam is burning up again." Sam moans

"Put a cold towel on his head."

"I feel so sick mom." Kennedy lays back on Jessica and cries. Her eyes were blotch red and watery. Jessica rubbed her forehead.

"It's all daddy's fault." Jessica says irritated.

"The Doctor said that it's just a virus, we have to let our bodies kill it off." Sam says

Camden starts to scream loudly kicking and screaming. Every few seconds he would cough harshly.

Jessica started to cry herself, overwhelmed and not feeling well.

"Can we try to move to the bed, sleeping in the bathroom is not comfortable." Jessica says

As they all started to stand up Jessica began getting sick. Sam set Camden down on the bed and ran to Jessica's side holding back her hair.

"I hate this." She moans


The next day they all recovered from Sunday night catching up on the hours of sleep they lost. Kennedy didn't go to school and Camden wasn't able to got to daycare.

Jessica starting feeling better from sleeping it off.

"I'm sorry for getting you all sick." Sam says pouring Jessica a cup of tea.

"I have a pounding headache. My vision is all blurry." Jessica holds her head.

"Want more DayQuil?"


I hate seeing the kids so sick. Especially Camden, he's just so little and his body isn't that strong."

"I only had it for a few days, they'll get better. How do you feel?"

"My stomach doesn't hurt, it's just my head."

"Ahh, I hate seeing you sick."

"I need to go pick up more medicine. Will you be able to watch them?"

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