Try Your Hardest

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It had been two weeks since the accident. Kennedy was learning how to walk again. It was frustrating at times, but Jessica and Sam were there by her side helping her with every little step. The doctors say that she is lucky she didn't need a hip replacement and that she is healing just fine. For Jessica, she was 12 weeks pregnant pushing 13 weeks. She hasn't thought much about the pregnancy, she does what she is supposed to do. But she has had so much on her mind with Kennedy, the meeting with the teacher, what the teacher said, what Sam said to her, and Kennedy asking about her birth mother, Meryl. Sam and Jessica had been holding back on talking to Kennedy about the girls at school, and if she wants to stay at that school, or go back to New York. Of course, they would still visit Minnesota in the summer. Yet right now they needed a place so Kennedy can get the right education, and be with nice people.

"Okay Kennedy, so we are going to sit you up, and we are going to try to spread your legs apart and together, we will start slow. Mom, Dad, you might want to hold her hand." The nurse says and she brings over therapy equipment. 

"I am scared, it hurts today." Kennedy digs her head into Sam's chest, making small sniffles.

"Kennedy, don't you want to get strong so you can go back home. You can't do this everyday honey." Sam picks up Kennedy from his chest and pats her on the back. Jessica didn't say much, she just told Kennedy everything would be fine. Jessica hated seeing Kennedy scared, sad, and in pain. Some days Kennedy would light up the room, but others the room was dark and depressing. It was a hard time for everyone.

"Okay sweetie, I am going to take your feet, and slowly spread them apart. If it really really hurt, tell me, but we have to start doing these exercises, okay I am going to start now." The nurse takes Kennedy's small feet into her hands and supports her ankles. She slowly leggings to spread them apart. Kennedy squints her eyes in pain and clenches her teeth. She squeezes her mom and dad's hand, trying not to cry.

"Great job Kennedy, I am going to separate them a bit more, don't be so stiff." The nurse in a little bit of a faster motion separates her legs. Kennedy squeezes her mom and dad's hand as much as possible then begins to cry.

"It hurts!" Kennedy cries trying to scotch away.

"Kennedy we have to keep doing this, how about we take a quick brake." Kennedy lets go of their hands, Jessica storms out of the room, begining to cry. Sam chases after her.

"Jessica, baby whats wrong?" Sam goes in to hug Jessica.

"I can't see her like this Sam, I can't see my girl hurt. When she was little, and she cried getting her shots, I was so sad, this is 10 times worse. And I feel like I am losing her. Those little girls put those things into her head, and now I feel as if she looks at me as a women who adopted her. I just want my happy little girl back." Sam hugs Jessica tighter as he also begins to cry. 

"Jess, look at me. You are her mother, and she knows it. Don't worry about what those people said, she knows the truth and thats all that matters. Now lets go back in that room and help our little girl walk again..

As Jessica and Sam went back to help Kennedy and the nurse, the same leg exsersizes went on for about an hour. Kennedy stuck out the pain as much as she could, knowing that soon she will be able to go back home.


I start my first day of high school tomorrow, and I will have a crazy week. I will try to update during the week days, but for sure the weekends. Sorry this is so short. I had a really busy day, please comment what you think.

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