Our Happy Place

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Thanksgiving Break-

The last few months were the hardest, Sam, Kennedy, and Camden all tried to adjust. Sam was finally starting to get the hang of being a single dad. He learned how to cook, do Kennedy's hair, and everything else that Jessica did. Sam always appreciated Jessica and everything she did, now that she was gone he appreciated her more than ever. Everyday was a constant reminder of how much he loved and missed her, everyone did. Camden would cry for Jessica and it would break Sam's heart. Kennedy didn't talk about it much. It was hard for her to think about Jessica. She kept all of her emotions to herself.

For Thanksgiving break Sam and the kids flew to Minnesota to stay at the cabin. They planned for Thanksgiving to go to Dorthy's and see everyone. They all stayed in contact, but it wasn't since Jessica's death that everyone was all together. Losing her felt like it separated the whole family because they all grieved away from each other.


On Monday, they arrived at the cabin. Kennedy walked in first and held Camden's hand. She stood at the door way and looked at how everything was the same, just how Jessica left things. Kennedy took a deep breath and stepped into the house. Sam followed with all of the bags.

"Well, here we are." Sam says

"Can't we stay with grandma Dorthy?" Kennedy turns around and pouts.

"What! I thought you loved the cabin? Besides, we are going to go fishing on the lake tomorrow. You love fishing." Sam becomes sad. He drops the bag and looks at Kennedy who wasn't fazed.

"Fishy!" Camden says running to Sam.

"Kenny, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm going to go unpack." Kennedy gives Sam a fake smile, grabs her bag, and walks upstairs.

Sam picked up Camden and walks over to the couch.

"I'm tired daddy." Camden says resting his head on Sam's chest. Sam rubs Camden's back and sits on the couch.

Kennedy used to love coming to the cabin. It was everyone's favorite place, it was Sam and Jessica's favorite place. It was just their spot where they would get away, hide from the craziness, and relax. Sam always enjoyed fishing and taking boat rides, Kennedy loved swimming in the lake and her room at the cabin, everything about the cabin made them happy.

The cabin was a cozy place. The cabin always smelled like yankee candles Fall scents. It was located just a little bit off the road. From the window you could see a huge lake. The trees reflected off the water, the cabin did too. The sunrises and sunsets were their favorite part. Three bedrooms, a nice kitchen, living room, two floors, and the sun room connected to the kitchen. When the weather was nice they would all eat their food in the sun room. It was all wooden, expect for the walls. Everything about it just gave Sam a smile. Every time he visited it, he just fell in love with it even more. He wishes Jessica was there. Being there without her made the experience different. She was one of the reasons why Sam bought the house. It just didn't feel the same.
The next day-

"Ready to fish?" Sam says walking down the stairs in his fishing gear.

"Do we have to?" Kennedy whines throwing her head back onto the couch.

"Yes! Come on Ken, you love fishing."

"It's freezing out, dad."

Sam set down his stuff and put his head down.

"Kennedy, I really thought you would want to go out on the lake for a while. We always used to fish together when you were a little girl, it was our thing."

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