Happy And Healthy

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It was the day after surgery. Jessica felt worse from all the medicine she took, she faced fatigue, nausea, and was very sleepy. Sam was by her side day and night. Kennedy didn't really understand why Jessica was the way she was. It made her uncomfortable seeing Jessica so sick and weak.

"Grandma, I thought surgery was supposed to make mom better." Kennedy looks up at Dorthy as she stirs the soup.

"It was, but the recovery process and medicine isn't making her feel well."Dorthy gives Kennedy a soft smile then looks down at the soup.

"Is mom going to die?"

Dorthy dropped the wooden spoon and held her chest.

"Kennedy?" Sam says standing at the kitchen entrance

Dorthy looks at Sam with tears in her eyes.

"Paige is here, she wants you to play." Paige was their neighbor who was Kennedy's age. 

"Oh! Okay, can I play?" 

"Of course. Go have fun." Sam gives her a kiss as she slides on her shoes and runs out the door. 

Once she left Dorthy cried even more. "Did you not tell her?"

"We did, but Jessica didn't want to tell her that part."

"Are you ever going to tell her?"

"I don't know Dorthy."

Sam sits on the island table chair and holds his hair. "I hate seeing Jessica like this. I don't know anymore. I don't know how to handle the situation, how to make her feel good when she feels so bad, I don't know what I will do."

Dorthy sits next to Sam and takes his hands. "You need to enjoy the time you have now, It could be years... It's frustrating not knowing what to do. I understand. Jessica is so lucky to have you."

"I love her so much. I don't want this to be her life." 


Jessica held Camden while she laid in bed. It was the first time all day that she was able to hold and comfort him from being so sick. 

"Hey, little guy... You're getting so big. It's making mommy nervous! In a few months, you'll be so heavy and hard to carry, huh?

I tell you every day, but I want to tell you, even more, today that I love you with all my heart. Mommy will always be there for you. Even when It may seem I'm not there. You are going to be a big boy. I just love you so much, Camden..."


"Jessie, can I come in?" Dorthy says

Jessica nods

"Look, it's grammy!" Jessica points to Dorthy and Camden giggles

"He's just so cute and loveable!" Dorthy sits next to Jessica.

"Do you feel any better?"

"No, not at all." Jessica looks down at Camden and closes her eyes as Dorthy pulls out Jessica's pills.

"I'm sorry Jessica, you have to take these now."

Jessica nods and holds out her hand out. Dorthy places the pills in Jessica's hand then hands her a cup of water

Jessica stared at the pills before she put them in her mouth. "Fuckers" Jessica says in an irritated tone putting them in her mouth.

"No!" Camden pouts

"What Cam?" Jessica looks at him

"I don't think he likes you swearing."

"Oh, that's right." Jessica pouts

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