This Is Your Future

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"Mom I'm so nervous for this weeding. I don't know if I can do it! I just wish grandma Dorthy was here..." Kennedy starts to cry as Jessica and Kennedy sit at the kitchen table.

Sam was by the coffee machine pouring everyone a cup of coffee. Camden was outside practicing his pitching.

"Ken, it's normal to be nervous. But you love Vince, don't you? And grandma is looking watching over you." Jessica grasps onto Kennedy's hands with watery eyes

"I do, but I'm afraid to grow up."

"Don't be afraid to grow up. You've grown up already so much anyways. No matter what you'll still be our little girl."

"Daddy?" Kennedy turns to Sam

Sam turns to her and smiles. "Yes?"

"Do you think Vince is the one for me?"

Sam walks over to her and puts his hands on her shoulders. "Vince is a great man, Kennedy. As long as he treats you right and you love each other he's the one. But I can't decide for you. You're just having pre-wedding nerves."

"He is a great man. We love each other. He treats me right. I shouldn't second guess any of that." Kennedy wipes her tears and hugs Sam.

"You have all given me the best life and done so much for me. From the day you adopted me. Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it."

Jessica starts to ball. She tried to speak but she isn't stuttered. Kennedy was growing up. She was walking down the aisle in only a matter of days.

"I love you, I love you so much." Jessica cries

"Everyone gets nervous before weddings. Hell, I remember when your mother left the building." Sam giggles

"Oh Sam! Do you have to bring that up?" Jessica covers her face in embarrassment.

"Wait? You were a run away bride?" Kennedy says

"Yes! That's because I was scared I wouldn't be good enough for your father! Kennedy you will not be a run away bride!" Jessica says sternly

"How did I never know this?"

"Because, I married your father. It was one of the best discussions I ever made." Jessica takes Sam's hand and smiles.

"I really just hope that when I marry Vince, our marriage is just like yours. I want my marriage to be like yours."


July 13th-

It was Kennedy's wedding day. The day was filled with chaos, but so much happiness. All of Jessica's family, Sam's family, Vince's family, and close friends attended the wedding. There weren't too many guest, but just enough.

Kennedy was getting married in Minnesota. Jessica planned a very elegant wedding on the lake near their cabin in Minnesota. It was at a local country club. Chairs were set up on the grass. There were purple flowers everywhere, with white.

Kennedy's dress was a simple mermaid dress with lace. Her brown hair was put up in a fancy braid.

All of her bridesmaids had navy blue dresses.

Camden was in the wedding. Him and Sam wore dark navy blue suits to match the brides maids dresses. The had a white dress shirt underneath.

Jessica also wore a navy blue dress that fit her perfectly.

The day was just the way Kennedy had imaged it. It was bright and sunny. The water flowed just perfectly. The grass was green, the sun reflected off the water, the temperature wasn't too hot nor too cold.

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