The Ending Of It All

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August tenth, a year since Jessica's passing-

"Welcome back to Minnesota." Dorthy opens her front door with tears rolling down her face. Albert walks up behind her and helps Sam with the bags. The kids hug Dorthy, Kennedy cries with her.

The whole day was filled with tears. It was a sad day... it was a year without Jessica. It was the day that everyone's life had changed forever. Dorthy and Albert lost a child, her siblings lost a sister, Sarah lost a friend, the kids lost their mother, and Sam lost his wife. The first year without Jessica was the biggest challenge Sam and the kids ever had to face. They learned to adapt to the big change. Sam did everything he could to be the best dad and fill that empty space that the kids had lost. He worked on getting better and getting past the loss, he also worked with the kids, helping them. Sam thought the grieving process was a never ending process, he was right. He was never going to be able to get over losing Jessica. All he had left was the last words that she said to him. He recorded it in his mind and never let the recording leave.

For the anniversary of Jessica's passing, Sam brought the kids down to Minnesota to visit Jessica. He also wanted them to be surrounded by Jessica's family. 

The kids run inside to see everybody else. Dorthy stands in front of Sam and looks into his eyes. Sam drops the two suitcases in his hands and wraps his arms around Dorthy. 

"I can't believe it's been one year without her. The world has changed since she left. I don't like this change and I never will. Sam, I know she's smiling and thanking you for how well you are taking care of the kids and yourself." She stayed in Sam's arms as he started to cry as well. It had been a while since he had last cried. He was his children's strongest support system. He was scared to cry in front of them. Today, he had to let it all out. 

"How are you and Albert?" Sam breaks away from Dorthy and holds in the rest of his tears.

"We've been better. You and the kids?" She says nodding her head.

"We just got done settling into the new house, closer to Kennedy's school. It's slowly coming together." He reassures her

"I'm happy for you. Is that support group helping?"

"Yes, it is. Thank you for recommending one."

"Don't thank me." She says patting his shoulder.

Sam picks up the suitcases and walks inside. Everyone looks at him and smiles. They all sat in the living room chatting away.

"Hi, everybody. I hope you are all doing well." He nods setting down the bags.


Sam and the kids catch up with everyone. They have dinner then sit in the living room, talking. They talk about Jessica and memories that they all held safe in their hearts. 

While Sam spoke with Jessica's siblings Camden and Kennedy come running into the sitting area. Kennedy taps Sam's shoulder and Camden pulls on his jacket.

"Dad, Grandma bought flowers to take to mommy. When can we go see her?" Kennedy holds the bouquet of flowers close to her. She looked down at them then her smile faded.

"Mama! Mama, Dada!" Camden jumps up and down, smiling. Every day Sam tried to remind Camden of Jessica so he'd never forget. He believed that it was important to know how Jessica was to him.

Sam sighs and picks Camden up placing him on his lap.

"Why don't you go take the kids. When you get back we can all play a board game." Dorthy smiles

"Are you sure?"

"Sam, you should take them to see her. We can wait, really." Albert says softly

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