The Big Reveal

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After the big thing with Kennedy about her birth mother, things has been a bit quiet

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After the big thing with Kennedy about her birth mother, things has been a bit quiet. They all tried to act like nothing had happened, and that it was the past. Part of Jessica felt as if it had brought more anger too Kennedy, that it made her more upset. Sam and Jessica had been working with Kennedy, trying too get her out of this bad state of mind she was in. Sam felt as if part of the problem was school, he was nervous to send her back, after the accident. 

"So Ken, first day back at school, how are you feeling? Are you sure you don't want us to take the walker?" Sam says in a nervous voice.

"Fine, I just want it over." Kennedy says slowly walking around the house.

"Well, lets get ready, we are going to drive you." 

"Can't I just take the bus?" 

At the same time and tone Jessica and Sam said "NO!" 

"Ugh" Kennedy rolls her eyes and walks out the door.

"Ken! Wait, come give me a hug, before school! I will see you after school, okay?" Kennedy gives Jessica a week hug and walks away. 

"Good luck! I love you!" Jessica puts her hand over her mouth and shakes her head, Sam comes close to her, giving her a hug. "What do we do honey?" 

"It gonna be okay Jess, she is just nervous. And we can talk to her doctor tomorrow while she is in therapy, I bet he can help us with this. Now go, you have to get in your film time so we can find out the gender! I will meet you at the OB at 12." Sam leans over and gives Jessica a kiss.


"Ah Jess! It is great too have you back on set officially! Now lets go over how we are going to hide your bump! And congrats by the way!" Ryan says overwhelming Jessica was a new scrip.

"Well, by time I really start too show, we will be done, so it shouldn't be much of a worry."

"You didn't get my email?" Ryan says stopping Jessica?

"Um no, why?" Jessica says in a concerned tone.

"Well see, since you were gone for so long, I got some ideas, and we are going to be re-shooting a lot of episodes, it just adds another couple months. So we will work into spring." Ryan begins to walk again, leaving Jessica speechless.

"Ryan, listen, I-" Ryan interrupts Jessica, knowing what she was going to say.

"Now, here is your new costume designer, she is going to fit you, you will mostly be wearing black, to hid the bump! See you on set!"


"Hey Sam, sorry I am running late, Ryan made me stay for a new wardrobe fitting. Long story, i will tell you when I get there." Jessica rushes to the OB, hoping to get there in time. She finally does.

"Uh Jess! Just in time, are you ready?" As Jessica walks in, the nurse and Sam wait for Jessica. 

"Ah! Yes haha, got held up at work. Ready sweeties?" Jessica takes Sam's hand as they walk into the room.

"I bet you know the drill, the doctor will be in shortly." The nurse closes the door, giving Sam and Jessica privacy.

"Hey, I got your message, what is going on?" Sam grabs Jessica's hand.

"So much. Ryan is making us re-shot episodes, that is going to take another 5 months, there is no way we can move before spring time." Jessica runs her hands through her hair in destress.

"Hey, look, it will all be fine, okay?"

"But Sam, it is November, we are suppose to be done by March. The baby is due in March. We wouldn't be done filming until June." Jessica grunts.

"But baby, we couldn't have moved until June anyways. Kennedy has to finish the school year."

"She finishes in May, remember? They started in August.I will have to go to work, super pregnant, then give birth, then go to work, with a new born baby, after giving birth. I just want it to be over!" 

"Jess, take a deep breath, It is all going to be okay, we will figure something out!"

*Knock Knock* The doctor opens the door.

"Well hello Jessica and Sam! Ready for the big reveal? A good surprise is always fun" the doctor says with a smile on his face.

"Trust me, we have had a lot of surprises." Jessica giggles.

"Well, as long as you are not stressed and everything is good. Now if you don't mind I am going to have to ask you to pull down your pants a bit, and lift up your shirt."

"Haha, I know the drill, It is so hard to believe I am already 5 months pregnant." 

"Time flys. So, what do you guys think it will be?"  The doctor applies the gel to Jessica's tiny stomach and begins to find a heartbeat.

"A girl" They both say.

"Okay well, are you ready? Looks like your baby boy has a strong and healthy heart beat. He is a bit small, but thats normal." The doctor smiles and takes a picture of the ultrasound.

"A boy? Did you just say a boy? No way!" Sam says kissing Jessica's belly.

"Haha yep! Now this baby boy is gonna be hungry, so Jess, you are gonna have to eat more so he can be big and strong!" The doctor points to the baby.

"Haha! For sure. I can't believe we are going to have a boy Sam!" Jessica giggles.

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