This Isn't Our Home

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For the last week, Kennedy has been put in intense therapy. The doctors and nurses were doing everything to get her ready to go home. She was starting to walk, but with the help of a walker. Kennedy knew that pushing through the pain would lead to her being able to wake up every morning at home. Jessica still spent every night at the hospital with Kennedy so she wasn't alone. Jessica had been so worn out from the pregnancy, and being uncomfortable, also, she had been running back and forth from the hospital to their house, to set, then back hospital. Ryan had needed Jessica to start showing up so he can have his clips in for the season premier. Jessica had been so done with AHS and was ready to move on. Sam had stayed at the hospital some nights but went home other nights. Sam on his free time, which wasn't very often, would work on his book. So much had been going on, know one had much time for anything.


"Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Shepard lets talk about Kennedy's improvement." The doctor sits San and Jessica down in his office with files of papers about Kennedy, he scans through each one.

"Kennedy, she is recovering very well, and fast. Her therapy is going great. I don't see why she can't go home, possibly tonight." The doctor smiles and puts away her files. 

Jessica and Sam reach hands with a large smile on their face.

"Thank you so much! Kennedy will be so glad to return home. She is missing it." Sam says as his eyes follow the doctor.

"Well, if I let her out today, I want weekly checkups to check her improvement. Daily exercises at home, and weekly therapy. In two weeks we can also get that arm cast off. I will get the discharge papers, you guys wait here." The doctor leaves the room.

"Oh, Sam! She is coming home! We can live our lives again." Jessica smiles.

"You and I can finally share a bed again too." Sam chuckles kissing Jessica.

"Well, we have that tutor coming to catch Ken up on school work. I think tonight we should talk to her about our thoughts on moving. I am ready to leave New Orleans. But I want to make sure she is okay with it first, and see if she does want to stay at that school." 

"Listen, I know you want to get out of her, but it is a lot to think about. If Kennedy is getting the right education here, this might be good. I mean we can always find a better private school in NYC, but I don't think moving is practical right now. You are 14 weeks pregnant, by the time we move, you will be in you 30-week range, and Kennedy has to finish up this year and fully recover. I promise we will figure something out and talk to her tonight." Sam takes Jessica's hand and reassures her, keeping her relaxed. 

"I am gonna go tell her, can you bring the doctor to the room when he comes back?" Jessica slowly gets up then leaves the room. Sam sits in the doctor's office twiddling his thumbs.

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