I'll Be There

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"I think maybe you should call your mom before surgery this Friday" Sam says as they walk into the house.

"How are we going to tell Kennedy? I never thought that I would have to tell my daughter that I have cancer and that I'm going to die." Jessica stood at the door crying. 

Sam turned around the comfort her. "Jessie... Don't say that."

"I don't know how I can do this.

I'm going to stay out here and call my mom. Tell Kennedy I'll be in soon." Jessica pulls out her phone and sits on the front porch. 

"Do you want me to stay?"

Jessica shakes her head.

Jessica sat on the porch and gazed at the beautiful sky. She took in a deep breath and soaked in the sun's bright rays... She took it all in. From here on out her life was going to change forever starting with telling her mother that she has cancer, cancer that will take away her life. Jessica was about to ask her mother the biggest favor she has ever asked, to come to town and help her take care of her own kids. Jessica was scared for what the future held and how much her life would change. She felt fine at the moment, she can't image the pain that she will go through. She questioned if what she was doing is right. Is putting herself through chemo worth it. Sam didn't understand what she was going through.

Jessica grew the courage to call her mother. 

"Hi, Jessie! How are you?" Dorthy says enthusiastically 

"Hi, mom." Jessica says breathlessly 

"How are you? Do you guys still have that stomach virus?"

"The kids just have it now. Mom I need to tell you something..." Jessica tries not to cry. Her throat begins to hurt so she breaths heavily.

"Jessie, are you crying?"

"I have cancer mom. Breast cancer, stage four. I found a lump and went in, they did a test, did a biopsy, and took scans. The doctor said it's metastasis and it has spread to my brain. I'm having my lump removed this Friday." Jessica started to cry. With one hand she covered her face.

Jessica heard Dorthy softly saying no over and over again. She then heard her father in the background ask if Dorthy was okay.

"Are you sure Jessie?" Jessica nodded then answered her mother

"I wish I didn't have to be sure. I wish this didn't happen to me."

"Oh, my love...It will all be okay. I'll take the next flight to New York and I'll be there for you. Okay?" Dorthy says sniffling 

"I just need you so much, mom." Jessica cries

"I know baby, and I'll be there. Hang in there and before you know it I'll be there." Dorthy begins to choke up.

"Alright, mom. Thank you." 

"I love you so much, Jessica. I love you, I love you, I love you."

"I love you too."

"Would you like to talk to your dad?"

"Yes, please."


"Jessica, I overheard you and your mother, it can't be true, can it?"

"It is..."

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