A Normal Life

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Former patient of Mill Creek Hills speaks out about rooming with Jessica Lange.
Lange suffered from sever postpartum depression and was hospitalized shortly after labor. Marissa Young shared a room with Jessica while she was admitted. Young states "She was in horrible condition, she was suicidal and wanted nothing to do with her newborn. I felt bad." Young says that Jessica had no contact with her family and was released after two weeks. "It was strange, she never really talked. She would say stuff about her kids and what not, other than that I only herd what the doctors talked to her about. She had stated she had no desire to act anymore." Jessica is now back at home with her family, for more information visit peoplemag.com.

Jessica sat in her office and read the article that her manager had sent her. She was in tears, she was so angry at herself for telling her problems to a random stranger she shared a room with. Her publicist and manager were working on trying to smooth it over. She knew that she wasn't a nut case, she knew that she was human and had a break down. Postpartum depression was very common, and it's something that people need to pay more attention to so new mothers can get the help they need.

"Jess, I just got off the phone with Megan, she is taking care of it." Sam walks in with the baby.
"It's too late now. It's out." Jessica puts her head down and rubs her hands through her hair.
"Listen baby, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It was a rough time, you are just as much human as these people."
"I know that, it's embarrassing, and it's not like I wanted nothing to do with Camden."
"You can't let it get to you, we are used to this stuff. It happens. Remember when we adopted Kennedy and how that big story came out about her 'crackhead of a mother'? This is our life, we can't do much about it."
"I wish we could just have a normal life, for us and the kids."
"We do our best. Please don't let this get to you, please. I don't want to see you upset. I love you too much."
Jessica looks at Camden who was giggling and securing in Sam's arms.
"Can I see little buggy?" Jessica opens up her arms and wipes away her tear.
"Sure, he might be a bit hungry. " Sam gives Camden to Jessica and she starts feeding him.
"You are a happy little buggy today, huh? All crazy, you are so crazy." Jessica says in a baby voice.
"And just think, it was all worth it because now we have him. That's all that matters." Sam smiles.
"Kennedy's birthday is three days away! What are we planning on doing?"
"She wants me to take her to the botanical gardens for the day."
"Just you guys?"
"Yea, that's what she wants apparently."
"Aw, but I would like to see her, can't you guys go the day after?" Sam says with sad eyes.
"That's what I thought we should do. Since we would like to have her birthday here with everyone. My sisters are coming out with the kids and so is George. As a surprise."
"I know, she will love it. Maybe after they leave you two can spend the weekend in the city and go to the gardens."
"We need to figure out what her 'big' gift will be. I want to make it special, she has been so good lately. After everything that has happened, and she has been such a big help with the baby." Jessica smiles and strokes Camden's head.
"We are so lucky. I can't believe she will be 1o!"
"I know, it has been one crazy year."
"How much do you bet Meryl will want to get in contact with her?"
"I am not holding my breath, for sure." Jessica roles her eyes and laughs.
The Next Day-
"Mommy?" Kennedy says sitting in the back seat.
"Yes dear?"
"Are you going to the Emmy's next month?"
"Um, I don't plan to, why?"
"Because auntie Sarah said you will for sure be nominated."
"I doubt I will." Jessica laughs and looks behind her at a red light.
"If you do go, can I be your plus one?"
"Oh Ken, you have to be thirteen or older."
"So, what do you want for your birthday?"
"To spend time with just you. That's all."
Jessica's heart melted, she couldn't help but tear up.
"Aw, that's too sweet. You don't want any gifts?"
"No, I don't need anything. But I do want to give my old stuffed animals to the animal shelter. Could we go on my birthday? I would love to go see all the dogs and see them happy."
"Of course, that is so nice of you!"
"I love puppies so much!"
"I know you do." Jessica laughs.
Sorry this is so random, I needed some fillers for my next few chapters, can't wait.

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