Speak From Your Heart

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The car ride over was weird. They didn't know what kind of reaction to have.

"This whole case is fucked up!" Jessica screams

"Jessie, take deep breaths." Dorthy says from the backseat.

"Jess, maybe the judge decided that it was fucked up, that's why he is just skipping to Kennedy." Jane says

"What if we need more people to testify and we don't get the chance, is this even aloud?" Jessica grabs her hair.

"Honey, it's fine. She is yours and will always be." Jane says

"What if I lose her! Damn it Sam!" Jessica begins to sob.

Sam pulls the car over and reaches over the seat to hold her.

Jessica starts punching him.
"This is my fault! This is all my fucking fault! It's all my fault." Jessica unbuckled her seat belt and hoped out of the car.

She began breathing heavily. She sobbed, coughed, and screamed.

Sam got out of the car and ran over to her holding her.

"Sam." Jessica says

He holds her tight.

She quickly breaks the hug and hunches over getting sick.

Sam supports her and holds her hair back as she gets sicker and sicker.

After a few minutes they help her back into the car.

When they get home Jessica runs up into Kennedys room and closes the door.

"Mommy?" Kennedy says with puffy eyes.

Jessica stares at her for a moment. She tilts her head and quivers her lip. She holds her arms out and bends down. Kennedy runs into her arms and hugs Jessica tightly.

"I love you so much mommy." She whispers.

Jessica let's out a heavy breath of relief.

"I love you baby girl. I'm so sorry. My one job was to protect you forever and never let you go. I'm so sorry Kennedy. I promise that we will get through this. It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault mommy. God has a plan for us, I know he does."

Jessica looked at her and smiled.

"You are the sweetest, most beautiful, caring, little angel. You make me smile every day. You're so strong."

"You are the strong one mommy."

"Oh baby."

"I just want this to be over. What happened today?"

"The judge is going to speak with you tomorrow. Kennedy promise me tomorrow you will speak from your heart. You will speak for yourself, your future, and what you want."

"Okay mommy."

"I love you more then words can describe baby girl."

A small smile appeared on Kennedys face. She lifted up her tiny hand and moved the hair out of Jessica's face.

"Don't cry mom."

"I'm sorry." Jessica giggles

"Can you sleep with me tonight?"

Jessica nods and smiles. "Of course. We can have a sleepover."


Dorthy's POV-

"Sam I'm so scared. I don't want to tell Jessica but It's scary that they won't let anyone else testify."

Sam picked his head up from his desk and looked at Dorthy. "I don't know what will happen."

"Sammy, they never brought up the hospitalization. What if they pull it out of no where tomorrow?"

"I don't know."

"Sam!" Dorthy raises her voice.

"Damn it! I don't know!" Sam bangs the desk and cries.

Dorthy jumped. She stared at him then walked over to him.

She wrapped her arms around him and he sobbed.

"We've been through hell. I can't put Kennedy through this. But she's our only hope. What if she says she wants to be with Meryl?"

"She won't. She loves you."

"I can't take this."

That night Jessica held Kennedy in her sleep, Jessica couldn't sleep. Her eyes stayed wide awake. Kennedy slept peacefully and Jessica played with her hair. Sometimes at night Camden would wake up. Jane fed him a bottle so Jessica wouldn't have to.

Around two am the door opened slowly and the hallway light went into Kennedys room.

A tall shadow appeared.

Jessica sat up and saw Sam half asleep holding Camden.

Jessica sat up all the way and held out her arms.

"He wanted his mommy, I'm sorry."

"Shhh. *holds baby* your sissy is sleeping."

"Can I join?" Sam whispers sitting at the end of the bed.

"Mhm. I can't sleep."

Sam rubs her back and smiles as she begins feeding Camden.

"We have a beautiful family Jess. We are blessed."

"We are."

"Little Cam doesn't understand anything going on."

"My little baby boy. He just wants everything and everyone to be happy..."

"He does. Poor little thing."

They stare into each other's eyes and smile.

"Thank you for being an amazing mother Jessie. We've went through joyous moments, heartbreak, crazy bumps, amazing and horrible experiences, and here we are. All together, the four of us. These are the moments that make life so amazing. Seeing my family. My beautiful family."

Hope you are enjoying this! I have an idea of how I will end it... :(

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