Someone's at the door

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2 Weeks Later-

Jessica was 23 weeks pregnant. Jessica was close to being done with AHS, they only had a few more episodes to film. Jessica was trying to jam it all in before the Holidays so she could spend it with her family. Sam and Jessica also decided that once AHS Coven is done, they are selling their house in New Orleans and moving back into their home in New York. Kennedy had a long weekend off school so they decided to fly down to Minnesota for the weekend. 


"I missed this place." Jessica says walking into their cozy cabin on the lake." Sam is behind her carrying Kennedy who was sleeping.

"Yea, it's great to be back. Let me go but her upstairs real quick" Sam goes upstairs and puts Kennedy in her room. Jessica walks around the cabin and lights her pine candles. She takes a deep breath and rubs her tummy.

"Soon little guy, you can come to love this place." She smiles.

"She is going to sleep well tonight." Sam comes up behind Jessica and rubs her shoulders.

"Ken will be happy to wake up here." She turns around and kisses him

"Good thing we got food at the airport, nothing is here other than  beer. Want anything babe?" Sam grins.

"Funny." She laughs 

"Well, Ken is asleep I guess it is just you and me?" 

"I guess so. Want to watch a movie?"

"That's not what I had in mind, sweetie." Sam comes closer to her.

"Please, not tonight. I feel gross."

"Okay," Sam says quietly

"Movie?" Jessica laughs

"Which one?" He says grabbing a beer

"Oh, I have a great one." Jessica runs into the living room and grabs a movie from her bag. She holds it up. Sam squints his eyes and walks closer to read the cover.

"Child Birth 101, Mommy's Guide,"  Sam says in a confused tone

"What? We need to start educating ourselves." Jessica smiles

"It says 'Mommy's Guide' I don't see daddy anywhere." Sam walks away

"Sam! There is so much in this movie, we are in this together, we need to start preparing." Jessica stands in front of him and pouts.

"Jess, we raised a baby before. No video can prepare us." Sam sits on the couch and turns on ESPN.

"Sam, I have to give birth, and the first month is crucial, this won't be the same." Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Sex sounds better." He grins

"You ass, I am going upstairs to watch it myself than if you are going to be like this."


Jessica gets into 16 minutes of the movie and starts to cry. Sam walks in and sees's her cuddled up in a blanket with motherhood books all around her. She keeps her eyes on the tv.

"Baby, why are you crying? I am sorry, I was being a dick." Sam jumps in bed next to her and has his eyes on the tv.

"I am not crying because of you." Jessica wipes her tears.

"Why are you?"

"Do you see this? Look what they did to her because the hole was too small!" Jessica says.

"Oh lordy," Sam says wrapping his arms around her.

"I am scared. I wanted you to watch this with me for support." Jessica pauses the movie.

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