We Can Fix This

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The next morning-

"Hey babe, I got you some tea." Sam sits at the edge of the bed and puts the cup on the nightstand. Jessica slowly wakes up.

"Hi." She says softly.

"That little boy in there doesn't want to hold you at night, he was kicking last night." Sam puts his hand on her stomach.

"Haha, I felt it." Jessica laughs sitting up.

"Today is the day we have dreaded" Jessica takes a sip of her tea.

"I know, I was up all last night wondering what we will tell Kennedy." Sam shakes his head.

"There is only one thing to tell her Sam, that it's Meryl." 

"Obviously, this isn't something I thought about much." 

"I am worried about what will happen if she does try to challenge the adoption if she takes her away." Jessica sets down her tea and runs her hands through her hair.

"Take who away?" Kennedy says standing at the door.

"Come here ya Lil chica!" Jessica says opening her arms to Kennedy.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kennedy plops herself next to Jessica.

"Well Ken, we need to talk to you about something." Sam looks at Jessica and she nods.

"Do you remember the lady that wrote you a letter?"

"Mary? My birth mom?" Kennedy says with wide eyes.

"Well, we call her Meryl. But yes." 

"What about her?" 

"She is coming over today, you are going to meet her," Sam says softly.

"Really? Why does she want to meet me now?" 

"Because she wants to meet you, Ken," Jessica says in a stern tone.

"She will be coming at 12, so get ready and clean up your toys around the house please."

Kennedy skips into her room and closes her door. Jessica plops her head back down on her pillow and puts her hands on top of her face. Sam rubs her shoulders and calms her down as she begins to cry.

Sam sits next to her and whispers in her ear.  "We can fix this, I promise."


Jessica gets dressed and cleans up the house, she was so nervous and couldn't think straight. 

"Mom, can you curl my hair?" Kennedy walks into the bathroom with a smile on her face, while Jessica struggles to keep one on. 

"I don't think we will have time, your hair looks just fine." Jessica puts the brush through her short blonde hair one last time then turns around and smiles.

"When will she be here?" Kennedy runs down the stairs.

Jessica follows her down the stairs, checking the time. "Soon." 

Sam meets them at the bottom of the stairs and picks, Kennedy, up, holding her tight.

"Ken, mommy and I need to talk to you." Sam looks at Jessica and reaches his hand out to help her finish the last few stairs. 

They go into the living room and sit across from Kennedy.

"We wanted to talk to you about seeing Meryl today. If you are the least bit uncomfortable you let mommy or I know. This can be the only time you see her if you want, we won't make you see her again if today doesn't go well. Okay, pumpkin?"  Sam smiles, looking back at Jessica who was daydreaming, staring out the window.

"We love you very much Kennedy, we want you to know that. We are always here for you sweetie." Jessica was shaking by the door bell ringing. Kennedy bounces from her chair and goes to answer it.

Kennedy opens the door quickly then stops, Jessica and Sam run over to the door. Meryl looks down and bends her knees, starting to cry.

"Are you Kennedy?" Meryl asks, smiling. 

Meryl walks to her and gives her a long hug. She cries holding her as tight as she can.

"You are so beautiful, I never thought I would see you again." Meryl holds her face and kisses her on the cheek.

"Thank you." Kennedy giggles then smiles.

"Come in Meryl," Jessica says closing the door behind her.

"You are such a big girl Kennedy." Meryl wipes her tears.

"I like your hair, it looks like mine." Kennedy laughs


Meryl was over for about two hours, Jessica and Sam would switch turns checking up on them, and seeing how Kennedy was. Meryl was very clingy but Kennedy was very quite. Jessica sat in the kitchen shaking. She had so many emotions swimming through her mind, and she couldn't think straight. Sam would ask how she was but she gave him short answers.

"Jessica, thank you," Meryl says walking into the kitchen as Kennedy runs to the bathroom.

"It's no problem, I was just worried about how Kennedy would be." 

"Well for letting me see her. But you and Sam have done such a great job. I couldn't thank you enough." Meryl sits next to Jessica and takes her hand.

Jessica smiles.

"I bet you guys will do great with that one too." She giggles looking at Jessica's belly. "How far along are you?"

"23 weeks." Jessica smiles.

"It's a boy too," Sam says in a cheerful tone.

"Wow, congrats. And Jess, let me tell you, American Horror Story is amazing." Meryl says looking at a picture of her on set.

"Thanks, this is my last year. I don't think fans want to see an old person like me on tv.." Jessica laughs.

"Oh shh! Jessica, you look better than me and we are the same age. Your thirties are doing you well." Meryl smiles.

"Thank you." Jessica laughs

"Kennedy doesn't really like to talk about school, huh?" 

"No. She has some learning disabilities, everything is a bit for challenging for her." Sam says looking to see where Kennedy was.

"How did she get learning disabilities. Did you send her to a bad school or not work with her?" Meryl says in a cocky tone.

"Excuse me?" Jessica says leaning forward.

"Well, I don't know. City school isn't the best. Neither are schools in New Orleans."

Jessica rolls her eyes. "No Meryl. Actually, it's because you smoked some dope while you carried her and she was born an addict. If you didn't know, that messes with the brain." Jessica says loudly, pissed off. 

Sam takes her hand to calm her down. 

"Listen Jessica. If I could go back I would. I am sorry." Meryl starts to cry.

Kennedy stands at the doorway, calling her dad. Meryl turns around and smiles at Kennedy.

"Hi, sweetie. Did you want me?" Meryl says standing up.

Kennedy nods her head then points to Jessica. "No, my mommy." Kennedy has a tear down her face.

Jessica quickly gets up from her chair runs over to Kennedy. Meryl turns back around and puts her head down.

After a few minutes Jessica runs into the kitchen with her purse and jacket, holding Kennedy in her arms. 

"Sam, get the keys and insurance card. We need to go to the hospital." 

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