Talk To Her

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Jessica spent the next few nights at the hospital. Kennedy was moved out of the ICU and into a regular room. People were able to visit. Sarah came in town with everything Jessica and Sam left at the hotel back in LA. Jessica and Danny's parents and siblings flew in. They all helped out with Camden and kept Jessica sane. There was still brain activity but nothing from Kennedy. Doctors started discussing options with Sam and Jessica. Jessica was so confused as to how a fall like this caused her to be in a coma. Sandy says the fall was worse than what it seemed to be. Jessica didn't talk to Sandy much. She felt so angry towards her letting Kennedy dance around in the counter top. Sam was very quite and nervous. Seeing his little girl hooked up to a bunch of tubes made him sick. He had lived through this once before when she got in the bus accident, yet Sam felt there may not be a Kennedy in the end.

"Good morning honey." Jessica says rubbing Kennedy's face.
"Your brother and Blu miss you. Camden wants to hear your voice and he wants you to read to him." Jessica says
"I miss your voice too.
Everyone's in town, they all want you to be okay. They are waiting for you at home."

"Jess, she can't hear you." Sam says
"You don't know that." Jessica snaps back.

"Mr. And Mrs. Shepard, do you have a moment?" The doctor says walking into the room. Jessica sits up and walks over to him, Sam follows.
"As hard as this may be, I have to go over our options.
I have a few papers that you need to sign, so let's go to my office and talk."

Jessica and Sam sit down next to each other. Jessica crosses her legs and taps her one foot. Sam had a blank face.
"First off, do you want to sign the DNR? We will do everything we can to bring her back if she does flatline, or we will not."
"Oh course we want you to bring her back. We are not signing a DNR." Sam says quickly. Jessica tears up.
"Okay. In the next 5 months, if your daughter does not wake up, we can no longer keep her in the hospital. We have facilities that she can stay, but what would you like to do after the 5 months?"
"What do you mean?" Jessica says looking at the doctor with watery eyes.
"He means you unplug her or put her in another facility and let her sit there." Sam says nearly about to cry.
Jessica was shocked by his attitude.
"Sam?" Jessica says
"I think if she is not up after 5 months, there is nothing we can do but..." Sam chokes up.
"I don't think we can do this right now." Jessica says standing up.
"Okay, that's fine." The Doctor stands up and shakes their hands.

Jessica and Sam walk down the hall. Jessica pauses and stares at a little girl the age of Kennedy running around in the waiting room.
Jessica puts her head down and covers her face beginning to cry. Sam tried to take Jessica's hand but she pulled away.
"I love how you think being an asshole is going to make things better... How being so negative is okay. You never sit and talk with her." Jessica yells
"Shh, Jessica please." Sam says trying to quote her down.
"Damn you! Damn you Samuel Shepard." Jessica punches him in the chest, but very lightly.
He grabs her and holds her as she cries Hysterically. Sam cries also. Whispering "I am sorry.
She will wake up."
Jessica pulled herself away and wiped her face.
"I am going to go feed Camden, I just want to be alone." Jessica walks off down the hospital hallway.
Sam sits down in a seating area. He runs his hands through his hair and punches the air.
Dorthy walks past Sam and sees him sitting alone crying.
"Sam, do you mind?" She says getting ready to sit down.
"No go ahead."
"I am off baby duty, Jessica took Camden into the room with Kennedy."
"Thank you.
Jess is a bit upset with me right now." Sam says
"Well, it's a tough time. Things will get better, Kennedy is strong she can come out of this."
"I am scared she won't. I am always the one that keeps things together and stays strong for the family. But I can't, I am dying inside. My little girl is in a coma and they don't know if she will get out of it. They think she will have long term effects because of it. I want to tell Jessica she will wake up but I am starting to lose faith myself. And I hate myself for it." Sam cries. Dorthy puts her hand in his shoulder and cries with him.
"All you have to do is be there for her. Jessica just wants you to talk to Kennedy. Right now you are in denial because you are blind of the future. All we can do is wait and stay strong for each other. Because when she wakes up she will need us." Dorthy forces a smile.

A little later Jessica went home for a bit to clean up and pack New overnight bags. Sam stayed at the hospital with Kennedy. While Sam sat in the room he decided to start talking to Kennedy.
"Hey little girl.
It's daddy. *deep breath*
I am ready for you to wake up, I miss you honey. I don't know what I would do without you. Your mom and I love you so much. You changed our lives 10 years ago, for the better. You saved us when we where drowning. But your mother and I are drowning again."
The only response Sam herd was from the machines constantly beeping. It rang in his ears.
"You need to wake up princess, wake up for daddy, mommy, Camden, and everyone else who loves you so much.
You need to wake up so you can conquer the world, become a doctor, and show off your pretty blue dress to the camera guys." Sam smiles holding her hand.
"I am sorry I haven't talked to you, I know that in a way you can hear me.

God, I need her back. She is my heart that keeps me going." Sam looked behind him and saw Jessica in the hallways pacing back and forth.
He looked at Kennedy again and gave her a kiss. As he stood up he saw a quick flinch.
"Ken?" Sam says loudly.
Another small jerk than came from her finger and hands.
"Baby girl? Are you awake?" Sam says.

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