I Love You

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"Sam?" Jessica whispers, squeezing his hand. 

Sam jumps up from his sleep. "Jess!" 

"Shhh." She says with a small giggle. 

"Sorry." Sam leans over and gives her a kiss.

"How do you feel honey? They said you feel pretty hard."

"I am fine. Is the baby okay? What happen?" Jessica says in confusion.

"Kennedy said you feel, hit your head, the pizza guy saved you apparently. The baby is just fine." He takes her hand and kisses it.

"A pizza guy? That's a story to tell. I am glad the baby is okay." Jessica turns her head slowly in pain. 

"Jess, you don't look so good. Are you sure you are okay?" 

"I just have a headache." 

"How did you know we were here?" Jessica says

"TMZ. As soon as I found out, I took the quickest flight. When I landed the hospital called. I am glad I am here." Sam kneels down,

"I am so sorry. I was out of line, the things I said to you were so horrible." Sam holds her tight.

"Not right now Sam." Jessica pulls away.


"Sam, I said not right now, I am tired." 

"Okay, I am going to go get so food, want anything?" 

"No, I am fine." 


Sam went to go get breakfast, and Jessica sat in bed. She stared at Kennedy, she was slowly starting to wake up, Jessica wanted to be the first person she saw. 

"Ken? Are you awake." Jessica rested her head on her hands, laying on her side.

"Mommy?" Kennedy said loudly, running over to Jessica.

"Shhh. I have a little headache." Jessica smiles, opening her arms to Kennedy.

"I am so happy you are okay!" Kennedy hugs her tightly.

"I love you so much honey, you are so brave." Jessica kisses her forehead.

"Brave? That's you!" Kennedy laughs hoping into bed with Jessica.

"They say that you and a pizza guy saved me, pretty brave for a 9-year-old." Jessica laughs, running her fingers through Kennedy's hair.

"I am sorry I didn't clean up the floor. It's all my fault. " 

"Don't say that honey. It was an accident. We do need to watch Frosty!"

"Frosty is the lease of my worries mom." Kennedy laughs.

"Are you and daddy in a fight?" 

"What?" Jessica says, playing dumb.

"When I had your phone, well I read the text. On accident. 

Jessica huffs. "Honey, you shouldn't be reading through my phone."

"I am sorry." 

"Daddy and I are not in a fight. Sometimes people just get mad and stressed. We say things we don't mean, that's all. " 

"Oh, Well you and daddy love each other. Even though you guys may say things, you have to forgive them, because you love him. And I know that daddy loves you." Kennedy says quietly.

Jessica smiles softly.

"Look, it's your dad!" Sam walks into the room with coffee and fruit.

"Yum! Oranges!" Kennedy says taking one from the tray.

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