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It had been two weeks since the fall. The three of them were back in New Orleans. Sam was finishing his book, Jessica was in bed or on set, and Kennedy went to school. Jessica was 20 weeks pregnant. The baby was doing just great. As they get closer to the arival of the baby, Jessica went back and fourth to Babys R Us. She wanted to start the nursery, but she didn't know when they would be leaving New Orleans, she knew she wanted to be out of there before the baby comes. She had been talking with Ryan. Ryan gave her the good news that they don't need the extra film time and that AHS will be done late Febuary. It is the week on Thanksgiving, so Kennedy is s staying home with Sam. They are planning on going to Minnesota for Thanksgiving to be with Jessica's family. She couldn't wait to be with them, and finally tell everyone the babys gender. 


"Hi loves. You made breakfast?" Jessica walks down the stairs in her robe, with one hand supporting her back.

"Good morning honey. Looking beautiful as always." Sam stands up kissing Jessica on the cheek and grabing her a plate.

"Ugh stop, I feel so gross and fat. Maybe I should go to the gym today." Jessica grunts going to grab a cup of tea.

"You are pregnant, you can't go to the gym. After that fall you are suppose to be on bed rest." Sam takes the cup from her hand, gesturing her to sit down.

"The worst part is I had to give up coffee." Jessica smiles, laughing at Kennedy who had syrup running down her face.

"I gave up coffee with you sweetie, here is your tea." Sam sits down across from Kennedy and takes a sip of his tea.

"Why don't you guys drink coffee anymore?" Kennedy says whiping her face.

"Coffee is bad for the baby, and I felt bad your mom had to give it up, so I gave it up with her.

"Oh." Kennedy digs into her waffles.

"I feel like tea is just making me even more fat." Jessica laughs rubbing her stomach.

"You aren't fat mommy, you are beautiful." Kennedy stands up and takes her plate to the sink.

"Come here love! Let me give you a big kiss for making my day." Kennedy runs over to her and hugs her.

"Ken, why don't you go finish packing, and finish cleaning your room." Sam smiles

"Ok, dad. Love you guys." 

Kennedy walks up the stairs and Sam rest his head on his hand and stares at Jessica while she eats her waffles. Jessica looks up and pauses rolling her eyes.

"What?" She says in annoyance.

"Nothing, you are just so beautiful." Sam smirks.

"Yea okay, that's not it." Jessica throws her fork down and tips her head.

"I am being serious." 

"Listen, I don't feel good about myself right now, I am eatting like a pig. You saying I look good just makes things worse." Jessica rolls her eyes again.

"I am sorry. I didn't think you would get mad." Sam picks his head up.

"I am not mad. Why do you always think I am mad?" Jessica stands up throwing the rest of her food away.

"I am sorry, I will stop talking. Are you going to the studio today?" 

"Yea, I am going to go get ready."


Jessica heads to set to finish up some last scenes before the holiday. 

"Hey beautiful!" Sarah comes up behind Jessica.

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