Five Months

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Five Months Later- March 1st

It was five months after the trial, five months after the scariest moment of their life, five months after their family changed forever. The fact that the Shepard's were so close to being separated made them value family so much more. Everyday with each other was considered a blessing and they made the most of their little family of four.

Kennedy began her first year of middle school, fifth grade. She had matured so much over the last few months. She was like a little lady in Sam and Jessica's eyes. She out grew a lot of her learning disabilities and got amazing grades. She was a lot happier now that the trial was over. Kennedy never spoke of Meryl, nor was Meryl ever brought up. Kennedy didn't want anything to do with her. At times she would try to contact Kennedy but she didn't want to reach out to her.

Camden was eleven months old. His first birthday was only days away. Camden began walking and was able to talk a little bit. Jessica and Sam were amazed by how much he had grown in just eleven months. Everything went by so fast in just the blink of an eye.

For Sam and Jessica, things were back to normal. They were much happier then they were six months ago. Their relationship became stronger. A couple months after the trial they went on a week vacation to talk through everything and rekindle their relationship. Jessica did a lot of photography events and stepped back from acting for a while. Ryan reached out to her about a few roles but she wasn't ready to commit to such big projects that he had in mind. Sam continued writing books and was able to publish one.

All in all their family was unbreakable. They were happy. Nothing bad had happened to them and they didn't plan for anything bad to happen.


"Can I go over Regan's house tomorrow night?" Kennedy says skipping into the kitchen.

Jessica was making dinner while Camden played on the floor and Sam worked on the computer.

"Ken, everyone's coming in town tomorrow. I bet they would love to see you."

"Can't you go over Regan's another night sweetie?"

Kennedy let's out a sigh and sits next to Sam.

"I guess so."

"I'm sorry..." Jessica says

"Kenny!" Camden yells from the floor banging his toys.

"Camden, don't scream." Kennedy says walking over to him.

"He wants you to play." Jessica says with a smile.

"I have to go to homework before everyone gets here. I will play another day. Alright?" She says looking at him.

Camden looks at her with a puzzled look, not following everything she said.

"No play today Camden." She says

"Sam, can you play with him? I'm busy making dinner." Jessica says

"Sure babe.

Go start your homework honey." Sam says to Kennedy.

"Okay. I'm just gonna grab some food."

"No no! Don't spoil dinner." Jessica says nervously

"I'm so hungry."

"Dinner will be ready soon."


The next day-

That day Jessica and Sam drove to the airport to pick up Jessica's family for Camden's birthday. The babysitter watched Camden and Kennedy because there wouldn't be enough room. They had to take two separate cars because all of the cousins were also coming.

"Jessie!" Jane yells

"Jane! Ann! My little nieces." Jessica says opening her arms.

"Aunt Jessie!" Audrey says

"Hey honey!" Jessica gives them a hug.

"Where's Kennedy and Camden?"

"They are at home, but you can see them soon!"

On the way over Jessica drove her mother, father, sisters, and brother.

"How's Kennedy been Jessica? I haven't herd much from her." Dorthy says

"She's good, she's just going through that pre-teen stuff right now." Jessica giggles

"Aww. It gets worse. Trust me." Ann says

"Don't say that." Jessica clenches her teeth.

"Kennedys a bright little girl Jess. Don't worry." Jane adds

"It scares me, but she's just ten."

"You and your sisters were the little devils at ten." Al says

"Ann was the worse." George says

"Jane when will you settle down, get married, have kids?" Ann says

"I don't know. I'm in no rush."

"I can't believe my youngest grand baby, and only grandson is going to be one!" Al says with a smile.

"He's gotten so big dad, you won't believe it."

"I can't wait to celebrate the little guys birthday"


"Grandma! Grandpa!" Kennedy runs up to them and gives them a hug.

"Audrey!" Kennedy says

"Kennedy!" They run to each other and hug each other.

"Jenna, Marissa!" Kennedy says

"Aww, all the cousins all together." Dorthy says

"Look who it is!" Jessica gets on her knees as Camden walks up to her with the babysitter following him.

Dorthy immediately begins crying.

"He's walking!" Dorthy sits down next to Jessica.

Camden jumps into her arms and smiles.

"Can you say I grandma?"

"Hi Camden!" Dorthy exclaims

"Gran- ma!" He says stomping his foot.

"Oh good boy!"

"Can you say grandpa?"

"Pa-pa!" Camden forcefully pounds his foot as the all laugh and smile.

"Good job dude!" Al says picking him up.

"It's crazy to think just a year ago you were about to have him." Sam says helping Jessica up.

"I know! How does time fly by so fast?" Jessica rest her head on Sam's chest.


Just came up with a really good idea and I can't wait!!! Be prepared...

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