365 Days

92 11 3

Camden's first birthday-

It was early in the morning. Jessica and Sam laid in bed until Camden woke up.

"Today was the day we had our baby boy..." Sam says softly.

"I don't want him to grow up. He's so cute and small. I just can't believe it."

"Aren't you excited to see the man he will be?"

"Yes, its just hard for me. I had to stop breastfeeding just two weeks ago, no more pacifiers, and he sleeps in his own bed. Seeing my little boy grow up, it's crazy! He's been on this earth for three hundred and sixty five days, I find it so crazy. I remember like it was yesterday when Camden would sleep on my chest and he was just so small. How I would rock him to sleep, and when he would have tummy time." Jessica chuckles.

Sam rolls over and takes Jessica's hand.

"Let's go celebrate this little guys three hundred and sixty five days of life then, huh?."


"Good morning little buggy, it's your birthday!" Jessica slowly opens Camden's door and walks in. He was standing up holding onto the crib.

"Happy birthday little guy." Sam walks over and picks him up from the crib.

Camden started giggling and smiling.

"Is the birthday boy up?" Dorthy says peeking her head into his nursery.

"Mhm, say hi grandma."
Jessica looks at him.

Camden waves to her and digs his head into Sam's chest.

"He still seems a little tired."

"I think so!"

They all went down for breakfast. Jessica made Camden a small fruit bowl and added a little bit of whip cream.

"Camden's first birthday breakfast!" Sam giggles

Camden sat in his high chair eating his strawberries.

"Happy birthday little brother!" Kennedy walks into the kitchen and gives Camden a big hug.

"Aww, how sweet." Jessica places her hand on her chest and smiles.

"Are you ready for your huge party?"

Camden kicks and giggles.

"I'll take that as a yes!"


Later that day everyone came over to get ready for the party. Jessica invited close family friends, family, cousins, and a few kids that were Camden's age that he met in day-care.

Jessica at set up the house in a blue theme. Everything was very simple.

People started arriving through out the day. Everyone played with Camden and all of he cousins enjoyed themselves.

The day was filled with joy and happiness.

"Alright Cam, ready to eat your cake?" Sam walks into the kitchen with Camden's cake and his eyes light up.

Everyone laughed at how cute his face was.

"Happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Camden,
Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang.
Jessica sat next to him to help him blow out the candles.

After they took the candles out he immediately starting smashing it with his hands.

"Look at this crazy mess!" Sam chuckles

"Happy birthday baby boy." Jessica kisses his cheek.


Later that day people went home. Kennedy stayed at the hotel with Ann and Audrey.

Camden was slowly falling asleep in Jessica's arms in her bed.

Sam laid next to her and ran his fingers through her hair gazing at Camden.

"Where did time go?" He says in a mellow tone.

"Wasn't it just yesterday that we brought him home?" Jessica tears up.

"We are so lucky."

"We are."

Camden slightly moves his head and Jessica jolts up in pain.

"Owe!" She exclaims moving away.

Camden wakes up and begins to cry.

"Are you okay?" Sam takes Camden into his arms and sits up placing his hand on Jessica's arm.

"Yea, it's just my left boob hurts and he laid on it weird. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You look like you're in a lot of pain."

"It's fine. I'm fine." Jessica stands up and walks over to her dresser.

Camden fell back asleep. Sam gazed at Jessica as she got undressed.

She slid on her pajama pants then took off her bra. She noticed that it was wet.

"Sam..." Jessica says


"My bras wet."


"Yea. My breast are still producing milk or something." Jessica looks at herself in the mirror.

"Maybe it's sweat?"

"Who knows. They just hurt."

"I bet it's just them getting used to you not feeding anymore. That sounds normal."

"I guess so." Jessica removed the negative thoughts from her head and slid on her pajama top.

She hoped into bed next to Sam and Camden with a smile on her face.

"I'm so happy." Sam says leaning over and kissing Jessica.

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