Like Her Mom

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It had been 5 hours, and No word from the doctor

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It had been 5 hours, and No word from the doctor. It was 2 am, and Jessica couldn't sleep much. Jessica's parents were flying in and Sarah was there to comfort Sam and Jessica. They sat in the room, saying small sentences, but mostly the room was quite. The police secured the floor, the paparazzi had been trying to get in for hours once the news let out. Jessica couldn't think about them right now. She was so worried and felt helpless, it is a motherly instinct to want to help your child when they are in pain or hurt. It was out of Jessica's hands this time. This wasn't like a small cut from the park or a bee sting. It was an accident that had her daughter in surgery. Sam was staying strong for Jessica, he was dying inside not knowing how Kennedy was doing. They were so glad Sarah was there by their side. Jessica decides to break the silences.

"Kennedy will be so happy to wake up to her stuffed animals. Thank you for grabbing them, Sarah." Jessica stays rolled up in a small ball on the couch, cuddling with a blanket Kennedy had made for her.

"It was no problem Jess, you guys need to take it easy, I am here for you, whatever you need.." Sarah walks over to Sam and gives him a hug, as he stares out the window and breaks down.

"Let's talk about Kennedy. I want to. Get my mind off things." Sam says.

"Okay, well there is a lot to talk about, she is a very lovely beautiful girl. You guys raised her well." Sarah says smiling.

"She gets it from her mother, Meryl," Jessica says quietly. The room grows quiet as Sam and Sarah stare at Jessica, shocked she brought up Meryl.

"Jess, what makes you bring her up? Honey?" Sam goes to sit next to Jessica. When Jessica thinks about Meryl, she grows angry, not knowing how she could abandon Kennedy, the sweetest soul, but then she is happy that she was blessed with Kennedy.

"Well, Meryl is her birth mom, every time I look at Kennedy, I see her. Everyday. The way Kennedy giggles, it sounds like her. Everything." Jessica looks down at the floor and cries.

"Oh honey, you aren't in the right mindset right now, don't think about her, you are her mommy, " Sarah says to comfort Jessica.

Later the doctor walked into the room with Kennedy in her bed behind him.

Jessica stands up with her hands on her face. She breaks out in tears and puts her head on Sam's chest. 

"Excuse me, ma'am, I am going to need you to leave, parents only for right now." The doctor shows Sarah the door.

"Doctor can she please stay?" Jessica says.

"Jess, it's okay, I will come back tomorrow." Sarah gives them a hug and blows a kiss to Kennedy who rest peacefully in her bed.

As Kennedy laid in her bed peacefully, Jessica examed her once more while Sam was asleep, She started from head to toe. She carefully looked her her legs. Separating them where two long 'sticks' keeping the hip in place. It was very frightening, seeing her all bandaged up. Jessica pulled up a chair and stared into Kennedy's closed eyes as she waited for her to wake up so she could comfort her. She positioned her favorite stuffed animals around her. They always made her feel safe. Jessica began talking to Kennedy quietly.

"My little baby girl, how much you have grown. I remember when I first met you. You have brought so much joy into this world. I will always love you, sweetie. And soon you will be a big sister, and your little sibling will be so lucky to have you! I just want you to be okay baby." Jessica wipes tears from her face and slowly begins to fall asleep with Kennedy's hand in hers.

8:02 am:

"Jess honey, wake up, someone is asking for you.." Jessica slowly opens her eyes when she sees Kennedy, a bit woozy, but smiley while she eats her Jello. Jessica bolts up and Smiles at Kennedy.

"Hi, mommy. Do you and the baby want green Jello? The nurse gave me ones with apple slices in it!" Jessica looks at the Jello trying to hold back her vomit..She coughs.

"N-No thanks sweetie, you eat your Jello. How do you feel honey?"

"Tired, but happy. Auntie Sarah face timed me, then I saw my friends leave the hospital and they gave me flowers." 

"Your mom and dad landed, Sarah is picking them up, why don't you go home and get some rest hun, you must not have slept much," Sam says.

"Oh mommy, please stay," Kennedy says trying to reach for Jessica.

"Ken, mommy needs to get rest for the baby." 

"No No, I am fine, I can rest here. But I need to step out and call Ryan. Let him know that I won't be on set for a while and to work without being." Jessica leaves the room and Sam and Kennedy hang out in the room.

"Hey Ken, next week you can start walking, sound fun?" Sam says.

"It sounds like it is going to hurt daddy, I don't want it to hurt." 

"Oh hun, it will take some time, it will feel weird at first, but mommy and I will be there, holding your hand." Sam helps clean up Kennedy and begins organizing the room.

"Hey daddy, I have a question." Sam stops what he is doing and walks back over to Kennedy. 


"Whose belly was I in when I was a baby?" Kennedy stares into Sam's eyes waiting for an answer.

"Well, hun *cough cough* you were in another women's belly. She had you and we adopted you. Ken we have been over this many times. Why do you ask?" Sam says looking back and forth at Jessica outside and Kennedy, hoping Jessica won't walk in.

"Because, all my friends came from their mommy's bellies but me. I wanna know whose belly I came from, because they are my real mommy, right, she is my mommy? She loves me too. Right?" Kennedy stares back at Sam when the silence is broken by Jessica standing outside the door looking at Sam with a devastated face. She had hoped that those words would never come out of Kennedy's mouth. That Jessica wasn't her real mom. Sam looks back and Jessica as Jessica runs out of the room. 

"Kennedy, I am going to see if mommy is okay, here you play on my phone okay?"

Sam runs down the hall trying to find Jessica.

"Jessica! Jess? Where are you?" Every direction Sam looks there are camera's flashing in his face, with security holding them back, he shakes it off and later finds Jessica in a family waiting room, with a tissue crumpled up in her hand.

"Oh, Sam. The day I was most afraid of came. Those little girls got things stuck in her head. What if she thinks less of me. Huh? Then what do I do? Tell me." Sam sits next to Jessica slowly and says-"Jess, this is what we signed up for, and we are so blessed, truly. And Kennedy knows you love her. Maybe one day we will tell her about Meryl, but you need to get that women out of your head, okay? She may have given us a baby, but the way she did it, and what she did to our daughter before she was ours, its unforgivable. Remember that. Kennedy doesn't need to know about that crack head. Because she already has an amazing mother. You are more of a mother to Ken, then Meryl will ever be to her."

Please exuse any errors.. I am not editing this much.. Comment what you think will happen next!

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