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Jessica was put on her first round of medicine. She started going to doctor Hertz. The idea of going to Minnesota was still in her head.
"I can't find his blanket!" Jessica says running around the house.
"The blue one?"
"Damn! I left it at the doctors office!"
"Oh do you want me to go get it?"
"Yes, please."
"Okay. Want me to pick up anything else on the way?"
"No I am good."
Sam heads to the doctors.
"Mr. Shepard! Back so soon?"
"Yes, have you seen a blue blanket with Camden written on it?"
"Ah ha, here ya go." The nurse pulls it out from behind the desk.
"Thank you!"
"No problem."
Sam looks behind the desk and sees Jessica and Camden's doctor, doctor Freddy.
"Oh Dr. Freedy, could I have a word?"
"Ah, Mr. Shepard, what's up?" He walks out of the office and pulls him aside.
"How are things going?"
"Not well, I don't know. Jessica wants to take the baby and go to Minnesota, alone."
"Let her. It's best for her, honestly."
"Let her? She wants to go to get a break from me. I have seen this before and it never ends well. And I want to see my son, Kennedy will want to see her mother."
"Listen, Jessica obviously is not well. I have seen women with PPD but Jessica has major depression. Going out of town for a while is always good, gives them time, and so they still have a sense of freedom. It will give her the time she needs with the baby to relax and rebound."
"I can't lose her, I don't want her to go."
"Don't make her feel worse about this. Don't make her feel hopeless. Give her time, please. It will only make things worse. She is very delicate."
Sam runs his hands through his hair.
"Listen Sam, things are gonna be rough for a while. But you need to focus right now on doing what's best for your wife and for your family."
"Okay. Thank you."
"My pleasure, now if you don't mind I have to go. Thanks for talking with me."
"Come on little boy, please eat." Jessica says holding Camden.
Camden cries moving his head away from her.
"Cam, come on. Please." Jessica says in exhaustion.
Sam walks into the nursery.
"What's going on."
"He won't eat. I don't know what to do."
"Try to give him a bottle."  Sam hands her one.
"I got the blanket." He says.
"Oh good, I am glad I didn't lose it."
"Want me to take over?"
"Okay, thanks."
Jessica hands him the baby than leaves the room. She looks back and sees Sam holding the baby. Her heart melts.
Two weeks later-
Jessica still planned to go to Minnesota. She had talked to her mom about it and thought it was best. Jessica was still by herself. The anti-depressants didn't really kick in yet in the two week time period she was taking them. She was still making weekly visits to Dr. Hertz's office. She was helping Jessica a lot. Jessica still didn't have the motivation to do much. Kennedy was starting to get frustrated with her mother. Jessica wasn't spending much time with her, and wasn't doing the things they used to do. There was still a big strain between Jessica and Sam. Sam was also getting upset with her. He knew he needed to give her time, but he couldn't wait. He was still on edge about Jessica wanting to go away for a while. He couldn't imagine her taking Camden. She could barely take care of herself let alone a newborn baby.
"Here are your meds, do you want food with that?" Sam hands Jessica her pills and a glass of water.
"Thank you." Jessica says holding the baby.
"Mommy, can you pick me up from school today?" Kennedy says taking a bite of her toast.
"Not today, daddy is going to."
"Well daddy picks me up everyday. You never do." Kennedy says putting her toast down.
"Kennedy, I can't today."
"Why not! You never pick me up anymore! You never talk to me!" Kennedy yells.
"Ken, stop it." Jessica snaps.
"I hate you. You don't do anything. You just feed the baby and fight with daddy. I hate you! You are the worst mom!" Kennedy gets up and runs out the door grabbing her book bag. The car door slams from the garage. Camden starts to cry. Jessica puts her head down than rocks the baby. She doesn't say anything.
"Jess, I will go talk to her." Sam says trying to get Jessica's attention.
"Don't. Just go."
Sam's POV
Sam walks out to the car and sees Kennedy in the backseat with her face covered. He gets the the car and leaves.
"Kennedy?" He says softly.
"Please don't yell at me." She says with tears down her eyes.
"I am not going to yell, but you can't talk to your mom like that."
"But she is so annoying."
"No matter how annoying she may be to you, she is still your mom. She cares about you Kennedy. This is a very rough time for her, I want you to say sorry when you get home."
"She never talks to me, she isn't the same. I feel like she hates everyone."
"She is sick, she can't think right."
"I don't want you guys to break up." Kennedy says softly.
"What? Break up?"
"Yea. You are always fighting, I herd mommy say she wants to move away."
"Ken, your mom and I love each other very much, we aren't going to break up."
"Then why is she going away."
"She needs time to get better."
"Why? Is she dying?"
"No, don't be silly. She is just sad. Don't worry about it. Just promise me you will say sorry."
Sam went back home and spent the day with Jessica. She was heartbroken. She felt so guilty and embarrassed that her depression was effecting everyone. She didn't want to be like this anymore. She wanted to be happy, and enjoy her baby, and her family. She wanted to do things again, with Kennedy, with Sam. She wanted to be the person that her kids would look up to. She felt worthless, she felt like she was just bringing everyone down. She was ashamed of her body and her looks. Jessica didn't want to be around Camden. In a way it made her sick. Sam would take over when he got home. He was getting scared for Jessica. It was like someone had taken over her body. He kept a close eye on her, making sure she was okay, at this point he was worried about he safety.
"I am going to take a bath." Jessica says walking into the bedroom.
"Okay, want me to rub your back or anything?"
"No, I just want to be alone." Jessica fakes a smile and walks into the bathroom. She closes the door behind her and takes a deep breath. She locks the door.
Jessica turns on the water and takes off her clothes. She looks in the mirror and begins to cry.
Jessica gets in the tub and brings her chin to the water.
After a few minutes Sam didn't hear any noise coming from the bathtub. This is when he became worried. Sam put his ear to the door and herd nothing.
"Jessie? How is it going?" Sam says knocking on the door.
"Jessica?" Sam says louder. There was no response. Sam tries to open the door but it was locked.
"Jessica! Open the door!" He yells banging on the door.
After a few seconds there was still no answer. With all of the strength he has Sam gets a running start towards the door plowing his body into the door. He broke it open. As soon as he did Sam ran over to the tub and saw Jessica under the water. He pulled her out and threw her onto his back, shaking her.
Sam couldn't help but cry. She continued to shake her, calling her name.
"Jessica! Damn it, wake up. Please!" He yelled. He patted her back, getting the water out of her lungs.
"Jessica! Please, wake up." Sam reaches over and drains the bath. He grabs a towel and wraps Jessica in it. He pulls her out of the tub and onto the floor. He puts his head on her chest, listening to see if she is breathing. She wasn't, barely.
He gets up quickly and calls 911. Sam puts the phone on speaker as he puts Jessica in recovery position.
911, what's your emergency?
My wife, she tried to hurt herself. She isn't breathing.

Hey everyone, I know this is a little bit dark right now. Comment what you think will happen. PPD is something that I am familiar with and know a bit about. It is a very sad thing but very common.

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