Time Flys

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Ignore the bad edit lol.  I tried I promise.

Over the summer Jessica and Sam worked on their relationship. They were still living separately but Sam came over a lot to see and pick up the kids. Jessica and Sam went to a therapist weekly to talk things out. Things at times were tense, but they were willing to do anything to make things right again.

Camden was 5 months old, he was growing before Jessica and Sam's eyes. He started sitting up on his own and eating baby food. He understood more words, and loved being held by Jessica.

Meryl reached out to Jessica. Kennedy saw Meryl and her family a lot over the summer. Jessica and Meryl became closer and got along a lot more. Sam still wasn't keen over the fact that Meryl could see Kennedy's so easily after what happened months ago.


"Baby Cam, you are getting so big! Happy 5 months!" Jessica says giving him a kiss.

"I want him to talk." Kennedy says

"Me too, that would be cool, huh?"

"Super cool. Am I ever going to have more siblings?"

"Oh boy, I don't know."

"Really? Why not."

"Because I love you two too much!" Jessica grabs Kennedy and tickles her.

"Mommy, stop! Stop!" Kennedy laughs

"Stop? Why!" Jessica laughs

"Mom! I am a big girl, I don't have tickle time anymore." Kennedy backs away

"A big girl? I am pretty sure you are still my little girl."

"No, I am a fourth grader."

"Oh, that's right. I forgot." Jessica pouts

"I am sorry mom."

"I don't think you are. You are growing too fast."

"I will be in middle school next year."

"I know. It makes me sad. You and your brother need to stop growing." Jessica picks up Camden and bounces him.

"Have another baby so that you can have more small kids."

"What? No.
What's up with you wanting me to have more babies.?" Jessica laughs

"Because, Camden will need a friend."

"He has you honey."

"But I will be older. And you and daddy are happy when you have babies."


After Jessica and Sam's therapy session they went out to lunch while the babysitter watched the kids.

"So, how are things going at home? I have them this weekend right?"

"Great, Kennedy doesn't like tickle time anymore." Jessica pouts.

"What? No!"

"She said "I am a big girl now", they thought of her growing up makes me sad. And Camden was 5 months yesterday."

"Time flys."

"She is a fourth grader, she starts middle school next year. Goodness I remember the first day she was officially ours."

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