I'm Trying

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It was a month later. They faced their worse battles that month adjusting to Jessica being gone. Sam tried to get the hang of being a single dad. It was hard at times, but he would just think, what would Jessica do.

Kennedy was slowly starting to heal, it was a day by day process. She helped her father whenever he needed it, and pulled through the hard days. She missed her mother so much each day. Everyone did, the thought of knowing Jessica was looking over them gave them comfort.

Once the summer was over Sam took the kids back to New York so Kennedy could start school. The last month was filled with love and sympathy. Sam was so grateful but he needed to take the kids back home and try to live a normal life. Sam didn't want to put this behind him, but he didn't want it to stop them from living a happy life. Jessica wouldn't have wanted it to stop them either.


So much had changed, including their family routine. Now that it was just one parent Sam took over all of the responsibilities. Every morning he would wake up and get Kennedy ready for school. He would make breakfast for the kids, then send Kennedy onto the bus. For the rest of the day, he would do things around the house and take care of Camden. When Kennedy got home he would help with homework, make dinner, get the kids cleaned up and ready for bed, then repeat the next day.

Every day was a new challenge. Each day there were more things that needed to be done, and new task.

Sam wasn't able to sleep throughout the night. Camden would wake up crying for his cup to be filled with milk, or he would just want Sam's company. Ever since Jessica passed Kennedy would wake up with nightmares and Sam would have to comfort her.

On Thursday night Sam didn't get much sleep. Camden's GERD was acting up which caused him to get sick. He didn't sleep at all, Sam was up all night with him.

Early Friday morning Sam was finally able to sleep. Camden slept in his arms. When Camden started to cough it alarmed Sam. Sam quickly woke up from bed and looked at the time.

"Shit!" He says getting out of bed.

"Kennedy, wake up! It's time for school! Come on hurry, we're late." Sam yells running over to the dresser and sliding on jeans.

Camden started to wake up and cry.

"Da-da!" He says sitting up from the bed.

"I'm coming buddy." Sam runs over to Camden and picks him up.

He walks into Kennedy's room. Kennedy was laying in bed crying.

"Kennedy, you have to get ready for school." Sam says softly

"I can't go to school today... it's too hard."

"Honey, it's okay the second week..." Sam walks over to Kennedy and sits down next to her.

"No, it's hard going to school knowing I won't come home to mommy."

"I know it's hard..." Sam says with a sigh

"Everyone at school knows. I get they are trying to be nice, but I can't hear "I'm sorry" one more time. When I go to school I try not to think about it because I have to come home and think about it. I just hate how different things are."

"I'm trying my best sweetheart... I really am, this is just as hard for me."

"It's a month today..." Kennedy plays with her bracelet and blocks the tears.

"That's right, it's September tenth... You can stay home today. We can just have a chill day, sound good?" Sam says wrapping his arms around Kennedy.

"Mama!" Camden says pointing to Kennedy's nightstand. It was a picture of Kennedy and Jessica from when Kennedy was younger.

Kennedy giggled then reached for the picture. She held it in front of Camden as he pointed to Jessica's face.

"That's mommy, the most beautiful women in the world." Sam says

"She loved you so much... She loved you both." He adds

"I hope she is okay."

"She isn't in pain anymore."


A little later Sam went downstairs and made breakfast. Kennedy sat at the table with Camden feeding Camden while Sam made toast.

"Dad, Camden threw up!" Kennedy says

"Shit!" Sam says grabbing a paper towel

"Dad!" She says looking at Sam with wide eyes

"Sorry, no swearing. Swearing is bad!"

"Shit!" Camden giggles

"No Camden! Don't say that word." Sam says taking him out of his high chair.

Sam holds his hand to his head and sighs in discouragement.

"The toast is burning!" Kennedy yells

"Alright, Kennedy go turn it off! I don't have eight hands. Don't just stand there. My god, I can't do this alone!" Sam raises his voice

Kennedy runs over to the toaster and unpluggs it.

Kennedy watched Sam clean up the mess, irritated.

"Dad, I'm so-"

"Kennedy, I don't want to hear it right now." Sam says sternly

Kennedy runs up the stairs and into her room slamming the door.

Sam finishes cleaning up Camden and sets him down on the couch. He looks around and looks at the huge mess in the kitchen. He walks over to the kitchen table and sits down. He runs his hands through his hair and sighs.

An hour later Sam put Camden down for a nap and got himself together.

He went upstairs to check on Kennedy. Kennedy's door was locked.

"Kennedy, open the door please."

Kennedy walks over to the door then runs back to her bed and cries.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. It's just a bad day."

"I don't want bad days anymore. Mom would never let us have bad days."

"I know, I know. It's just so much harder without her. You have to cut me some slack. I'm really trying."

"I know you are. I just miss her so much." Kennedy digs her head into Sam's chest and hugs him.

"It will get better over time, I know it will."

"Can you tell me a story?"

"What kind of story?"

"The story of how you and mom met."

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