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Jessica got her in car and went over what she would say to Sam.

I am sorry. It's a rough time for the both of us. The kids miss you...I miss you. These last few months have had their ups and downs but we have kids together. I want to work this out, I love you. I know I shouldn't have left, I was just angry. Thank you for being there for me and I am sorry.

Jessica pulled up the long driveway and saw the lights on. She was glad to know he was home. She parked her car outside and looked in the mirror taking a deep breath.

"Don't be nervous Jess. This is your house and your husband. Everything will be fine."

Jessica pulled out her keys and opened the door. She walked in and herd giggling and the sound of music playing from the speakers. Jessica raised her eyebrow and walked into the party room. She saw a tall, skinny, blonde lady looking at Sam. She was wearing a black cocktail dress and heals. Jessica stood at the doorway with a a broken heart. She coughed getting Sam's attention as he made drinks laughing.

Sam paused and looked at Jessica. The lady turned around.

"Sammy, who is this?" The Lady says backing away.

Jessica walks towards her.
"Sammy?" Jessica says sarcastically looking at the lady.

"Jessica, listen I-"

"Save it." Jessica says with watery eyes.

"Do you know her?" The lady throws herself into Sam wrapping her bod around him. Sam pulls her away.

"I am his wife, Jessica. And you are?"

"Wife? Sammy you are married?" She says looking back and fourth and the both of them.

"Lindsay, I think you should go." He says.

"Please." Jessica says turning around.

When she leaves Sam walks her out.

Jessica hears her whispering.

"Get her out of my house!" Jessica says walking up to him.

When she leaves Sam closes the door and follows Jessica up the stairs.

"Jessica, we did nothing. I promise." Sam try's to grab Jessica but she moves quicker up the stairs.

"Leave me alone!" She says, holding back her tears.

"Jessica, I love you! I would never cheat, really we did nothing!"

"Than why did you bring her here Sam! Tell me? Did you plan to just talk? She sounded pretty comfortable with you! How could you do this to me, you bastard.
We have kids together. We are married, I thought you loved me and had respect for our marriage!" Jessica turns around screaming at Sam, still holding back the tears.

Jessica starts in Kennedy's room, emptying out all of her clothes.

"Stop, stop this!" Sam tries to pull Jessica's hands away from the drawers.

"Let me be!"

"Jessica, I was angry and being stupid. I wasn't going to have sex with her, I was just lonely, and there is no excuse."

"Lonely? Where have you been these last few weeks, you haven't called Kennedy and she thinks you are mad at her. She misses you. But how can I tell her that I don't know why daddy isn't answering?"

"Because you told me not to be there! You are the one who left in the first place over a stupid ass fight!"

"Don't play the victim Samuel. You know that you were going to cheat on me tonight and I can't forgive you. You are a cheater!"

"I swear I wasn't going to have sex with her. Jessica you need to believe me." Jessica gets another bag and walks into Camden's nursery and packs more of his stuff.

"Look at me, god damn it!" Sam says grabbing Jessica by the shoulder.

Jessica stares at him with watery eyes than spits on him.

"Let me by! I am done with you, how could you do this to our family! Why did you! You were going to cheat on me!"

"Please baby, I really do love you."

"I am having a hard time believing that." Jessica pauses for a moment than takes a deep breath.

"If you didn't want to be with me, why didn't you just tell me. How could you let me find out like this. I thought we were happy. I know it's been rough, and I have been different, but we could have fixed those problems. Why did you look for another lady." Jessica says softly.

"Jess, please I made a mistake, but we did nothing tonight."

"Tonight? Does that mean there were other nights?"

Sam was quite and let out a sigh.

Jessica got so angry and threw a stuffed animal at him so she could distract him and leave. Jessica Quickly went in her room and grabbed a hand full of things and ran out the door. Sam got in his car and tried to follow Jessica.

Jessica went down the roads as quickly as possible. After a while she saw that he gave up.

Jessica pulled the car over and banged her head on the wheel. That's when she let out all of her tears. She had never cried so hard. She had no control, it all just came out and he had felt so betrayed and heart broken.

When she got to Sarah's she walked in and Sarah had already had out a pint of ice cream and wine.

Jessica ran into her arms and cried.

"He just called looking for you, he told me everything.
Jessica I am so sorry." Sarah holds Jessica as she cries harder and harder.

"I thought he loved me."

"It's going to be okay. I am here for you."

"He betrayed me. He lied, he ruined everything.
The kids. Gosh, what am I going to tell Kennedy. And Camden he is only so young."

Sorry to everyone who didn't want this to happen! I will try to update again this weekend.

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