How was the Nut House

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3 months old-
Over the past few months Jessica and her family spent a lot of time together. They stayed very private. Jessica was doing much better, she was keeping up with her appointments. She was taken off of most of her depressants. Camden was 3 months old. He was starting to be more observant, his GERD had calmed down a bit, it was a bit harder for him to keep down big portions of milk. Kennedy was out of school for the summer. Sarah had come to visit Jessica and and everyone a few weeks ago. Jessica was relived to see Sarah, Sam was the only adult she had been around. Sarah and Evan invited Jessica and Sam on a double date. It was the first time Jessica and Sam would both leave the kids to spend time alone. And it wouldn't be at a hospital this time.
"Wow, first day of sleeping in. How does it feel?" Sam says handing Kennedy her orange juice.
"Good, even though it is still 6 am." Kennedy looks down at Camden who was in his rocking bed.
"We need sound proof walls, huh?" Sam laughs.
"Yea because he is always crying!"
"He is a baby, give him a break."
"He needs to give me a break so I can sleep in."
Jessica walks down with her pump and smiles.
"What's going on down here?"
"We need sound proof walls." Kennedy snaps.
"That would be nice."
"Or we can trade Camden in for a dog."
"Kennedy! That's so rude." Jessica looks at her shocked.
"I was just kidding, see." Kennedy gets off her chair and picks up Camden holding him and giving his kisses.
"Of course it is a joke. Kennedy is in love with Camden." Sam smiles filling up Kennedy's cup.
"I wouldn't trade him for anything else."
"Aw, that's sweet. Eat your breakfast." Jessica kisses Kennedys head and takes Camden so she could feed him.
"Sam, where is Camden's medicine, I can't find it."
"Right here sweetie."
"Okay little guy, I know you hate this, but it will be real quick." Jessica smiles than gives him his medicine.
"Good job little dude."
"Almost ready? My sister will be here soon." Sam says walking into the bathroom.
"Almost. The baby is fed and asleep. Did I pump today?" Jessica says putting on her eyeliner.
"Yes. This morning. Are you excited?"
"Well, I guess. This is our first time going in an actual 'date' and not a hospital date." Jessica smiles.
"With everything that's been happening, I think it will be good for us to out and enjoy ourselves."
"I think I am nervous, if the press find us. We are going into the city, and the keep such a close eye on Sarah."
"It will only be a few seconds. If it bothers you I can see if we can find another way into the restaurant."
"No it's fine. Let me go check on the kids than we can get going."
Jessica walks into Kennedy's room and sees her playing with her toys.
"Hey Kennedy, daddy and I are getting ready to go soon. Aunt Sandy will be here soon."
"How long will you be gone." Kennedy says looking up at Jessica.
"We will be a little over two hours, is that okay?"
"Yea, I hope you have fun." Kennedy says quietly.
Jessica sits down on the floor next to Kennedy and smiles.
"So, what do you want to do for your birthday? It's less than a week away!"
"I want to go the city, and go to the New York Botanical Gardens." Kennedy smiles.
"Hmm, the Botanicals Gardens. That's fancy."
"Yea, my friend went. She said it was really cool."
"Well, we will have to talk to daddy."
"I just want you to take me. Just you and me."
Jessica widens her eyes. "Oh, okay. We can do that. But daddy would like to see you on your birthday. We can figure something out, okay honey?"
"Yay! Okay." Kennedy stands up and kisses Jessica.
"Since your such an amazing sister, do you mind helping out Aunt Sandy with little buggy?"
"Mhm." Kennedy smiles.
"Okay baby girl, one more hug."
Kennedy kisses Jessica than leaves the room.
Jessica and San headed out to dinner to meet up with Sarah and Evan. When they arrived at the restaurant the press where everywhere. Jessica was so nervous. She had stayed out of the city just for this reason, she didn't want to deal with the cameras.
"Ready Jess?" Sam says stepping out of the car.
"Don't worry, just hold my hand, cover your face, ignore them." Sam puts out his hand.

"Jessica! Look over here!"
"Where is the baby?"
"Your body looks amazing Jessica!"
They get out of the car. Sam has one hand around Jessica.
"Jessica, how are you doing?"
"Sam! When is your book coming out?"
Faintly Jessica herd one man say - "How was the nut house?"
They had finally gotten into the restaurant. Jessica let out a deep breath.
"Can't they ever get a life?" Sam says
"Did you not hear that one guy Sam?"
"No honey, what did they say?" Sam turns around and looks at her.
"How was the nut house." Jessica whispers. A tear falls from her eye.
"That's it, I am going out there." Sam says walking towards the door. Jessica grabs Sam's hand and turns him around.
"Stop it, it won't do anything. Let's just go see Sarah and Evan and enjoy our night." Jessica fakes a smile. Sam wipes her tear away.
"Okay honey, but I don't know how they found out."
Jessica and Sam meet up with Sarah and Evan enjoying their dinner.
"Jessica, how are you doing sweetie?" Sarah says softly as Evan and Sam talk about basketball.
"Fine, therapy is helping a lot. I am a lot better than I was before." Jessica says looking at Sarah who sat beside her.
"I am happy to hear. "
"A guy from the press said something to me. I can't get it out of my head."
"What? About being in the hospital?"
"Yea. They asked how the nut house was."
"Oh Jess! That's horrible. I promise I haven't told anyone."
"Oh I know you wouldn't."
"don't think about it right now. Enjoy yourself."
"I will." Jessica smiles
"What does Kennedy want for her birthday, I have to get my goddaughter something!"
"Oh gosh. I don't know, Sam wants to get her a puppy."
"A puppy! Oh man, I could get her clothes for the dog."
"Haha, I am not sure if we are going to get a dog. With the baby and everything it will be a lot of work."
"Just let me know, I will probably get her some clothes or makeup?"
"No makeup! Sam won't let her wear it." Jessica giggles looking at Sam.
"Oh, than maybe shoes. Kennedy loves her shoes."
"She sure does. But you don't have to get her anything, she has enough. Just seeing you in her birthday will make her happy."
"You have the best, more grateful daughter out there Jessica. So simple."
"I know, isn't she great. " Jessica laughs.
"Who is so great?" Evan says
"Me." Sam says in a funny tone.
"No, Kennedy. Evan I think that's enough beer." Sarah says taking it away from him and taking a sip.
"I think you have had enough too." Jessica smiles and takes away Sam's bottle.
"Hey! Give that back."
"Nah, I think I will have some myself." Jessica laughs faking a sip.
"Gosh, do I miss hanging out with you guys. You are the coolest parents around." Sarah says.
"Ugh, I feel so old."
"Oh shush Jessica."
"Sam's the old one Jessica." Evan says punching Sam in the arm.
"You ass." Sam laughs.
"I think we are done here." Jessica says. Sarah nods her head and laughs.

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